Pray while you walk, talk to your friend Jesus, and when you find a quiet place take a moment to sit and read God's word. Quiet, intentional time with the Lord is the key to hearing His voice.
Anything that hinders your JOY in the Lord needs to be brought to the feet of Jesus to be healed. Just as He bowed down and washed the feet of His disciples, surrender to Him and receive hope and healing.
Sometimes we take far too much of a long view in our relationships -- without consideration for how quickly life can pass. Children grow up, parents age, neighbors move, and opportunities to share our faith pass us by. We shouldn't wait until tomorrow because tomorrow may never come.
Is there someone in your life who needs to hear the gospel, and you are probably the only person in your life who knows Jesus? Perhaps the right time is right now before it is too late.
The more we take in how God has forgiven us in Christ, the more we will be encouraged to forgive others. The more we let the model of God’s forgiveness in Christ guide us, the more we will want to forgive graciously, mercifully, and lovingly. The more we experience the freedom of God’s forgiveness, the more we will be free to forgive others.
A man who is intimate with God is not intimidated by man. ~Leonard Ravenhill~
“Let not a repentant sinner imagine that he is remote from the estate of the righteous because of the sins and misdeeds he has done. This is not true, for he is beloved and precious to God as if he never sinned.”— Malmonides, Mishneh Torah, 1170 A.D.
“Grace is getting another chance even though you haven’t earned it or deserve it. (You may not even want it!)” —Fritz Ridenour
America is in trouble. At 63 years of age, I’ve lived long enough to learn that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans can turn this country around; no political party or politician is the answer. The only hope for this country is Almighty God and His Son Jesus Christ.
Not only did Jesus tell us to serve and minister to each other's needs, He also lived it out. He washed dirty feet. He touched lepers and the unclean of society. He had meals with the unloved in society. Truly we can say "amen" to Jesus's words, "For the Son of Man came to serve and to give His life a ransom for many." Not only should we be so thankful for Jesus Christ, His life, and His ultimate sacrifice, but we should imitate Him in the things that He's called us to do.
The oil of the lamp in the temple burnt away in giving light; so should we.
~Robert Murray M’Cheyne~
God is so good to us, He has given us His Spirit, His Word, and His Love. We have no excuses. It is time to take responsibility for our own actions. It's time to be doers of the word and not hearers only. Talk is cheap. If I am not living the word then my preaching is done in vain. Paul said to do as I do. Lord make me like you.....
There is, however, an equally great incentive to worship and love God in the thought that, for some unfathomable reason He wants me as His friend, desires to be my friend, and has given His Son to die for me in order to realize this purpose. Not merely that we know God, but that He knows us.
If we want to serve the Lord, we have to be humble servants, training up those around us, for the next generation of the church. Raul Ries
Those whom God will employ are first struck with a sense of their unworthiness to be employed.
~Matthew Henry~
*Love me when I deserve it the least because that’s when I need it the most.
Our practice of this continual praying life will increase our progress in faith and in trusting God. This can translate into prayers of thankfulness and petition during our power walks, our time in the carpool line, while we wash our laundry, and our lunch breaks. We can redeem these times to thank God for and pray for our children, our careers, our futures, our marriages, our trials, and our challenges. When we “do life” with God – when we exercise this spiritual discipline of continuous prayer – our faith grows. It helps us to trust Him more.
No other success in life – not being President, or being wealthy, or going to college, or writing a book, or anything else – comes up to the success of the man or woman who can feel that they have done their duty and that their children and grandchildren rise up and call them blessed. -
President Theodore Roosevelt
The task ahead of you is never greater than the Lord's power behind you.
There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be
a time when we fail to protest. ~Elie Wiesel~
Those that love darkness rather than light shall have their doom accordingly.
~Matthew Henry~