Not good enough will never be good enough!
God wants you to have the confidence that you can shine like a bright beacon in this dark world. God has begun a good work in you and He promises to complete it.
It is when God appears to have abandoned us that we must abandon ourselves most wholly to God. ~Francois Fenelon~
Some Christians have a really hard time understanding that God might not be concerned about the things that seem to bother us so much
We can get so consumed by the minutia -- enraged by perceived offenses, caught up in political controversies, or even the fine details of doctrine -- that we lose perspective on the big picture. So what are God's primary concerns? For starters, how about salvation, growing His kingdom, grace, and walking in the Spirit?
No man ever lost anything by serving God with a whole heart or gained anything by serving Him with half a one. ~Thomas V. Moore~
“View change as the one constant in your life. Welcome it. Expect it. Anticipate it.”
— Denis Waitley
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Mohandas Gandhi
“We generally change ourselves for one of two reasons: inspiration or desperation.” — Jim Rohn
“There is nothing wrong with change if it is in the right direction..” — Winston Churchill
“We may think there is willpower involved, but more likely... change is due to wanting power. Wanting the new addiction more than the old one. Wanting the new me in preference to the person I am now.” — George Sheehan
When it's out of control, it's simply out of your control. Trust, rest.
By suffering God’s will, we learn to do God’s will. ~Thomas Case~
Each biblical name of God reflects some blessing, or favor available to those who know His name. “The Lord Is My Peace,” The Lord Is My Righteousness,” “The Lord Is My Healer,” and “The Lord Is My Provider” all reveal what God is in interaction and engagement with people.
When we pause to pray... We step from the doorway of discouragement to the pathway of peace. We trade worry for worship. We magnify God and become less intimidated by our problems. Yes, I want less of my brain power and more of His prayer power in my life.
Sometimes honoring God doesn't always FEEL good in the short term, but we can know it will always BE good in the long run.
Whether you became a mother by birth, by adoption, by friendship, through marriage… you have been perfectly designed and assigned by God to be the mom your children need! You are beautiful. You are strong. You are capable. You are life-giving. You are loved. Happy Mother's Day!
3 things to remember about your easy-going friend: 1. They still have needs even if they don’t make a big deal about their needs. 2. Thank them for their resistance to drama in this chaotic world. 3. Be careful with criticism. Their hearts are beautifully tender.
Being honest with God is essential in paving an authentic connection from our heart to His. Pretending to be fine would be fake at best, and deadening at worst. If something hurts, we can tell Him.
We live in a broken world full of broken people. But isn’t it comforting to know God isn’t ever broken? He isn’t ever caught off guard, taken by surprise, or shocked by what happens next in our lives. We are safe in His hands.
We can't stop or control the future, but we can make moment-by-moment choices to let our souls rest in God and God alone. He is sure. He is faithful. He is good.