When our hearts hurt and life gets really hard, we need reminders of God’s goodness. And I’ve found that declaring the Word of God increases my trust in God. When we express God’s Truth, we depress the enemy’s lies.
"Lose your confidence in the power of prayer, and I know not what remains to you." -
Charles Spurgeon
GOD revealed His Name to Moses; “I AM who I AM” JESUS said; “I AM the Bread of Life” “I AM the Light of the World” “I AM the Door” “I AM the Good Shepherd” “I AM the Resurrection and the Life” “I AM the Way, Truth, and the Life” “I AM the True Vine” “Before Abraham was, I AM”
"Our anchor is within the veil, it is where we cannot see it, but Jesus is there, and our hope is inseparably connected with his person and work." - Charles Spurgeon
“We are mirrors whose brightness is wholly derived from the sun that shines upon us.” -
C.S. Lewis
An unbeliever's intellectual objections to Christianity are rooted in rebellion.
Through all of Scripture, there is the same God Whose character is the standard of perfection, Whose almightiness or all sufficiency is the source of strength, and Whose manifested Presence is the light & joy of life. -William Burt Pope
When we consider who God is and what He has done for us, how can we do less than offer Him our best? Chuck Smith
Man never comes to a right knowledge of himself, what a pitiful, abominable wretch he is, till he comes to a right knowledge of God, what an excellent incomparable majesty He is. —George Swinnock, The Incomparableness of God: Works 4:474
"With faith in prayer, you have heaven’s infinite treasures at your disposal[…]" -
Charles Spurgeon
"If you are obliged to say, “My God will not hear me”— if that is the language of your unbelieving spirit— the tendon-Achilles is cut, and you cannot stand with confidence, much less run with delight." - Charles Spurgeon
When Jesus becomes your Savior, He also becomes your Lord. He deserves first place in every area of your life.
You are more than - a cosmic accident, - a clump of cells, - or a descendant of apes. You are made in the image and likeness of the one true God, who intentionally created you with a purpose. He doesn’t make mistakes.
"To love someone means to see them as God intended them." — Fyodor Dostoevsky
It is certainly true that the law is glorious. That glory pertains to the holy character of God revealed in its standards. "Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am the LORD your God. And you shall keep My statutes, and perform them: I am the LORD who sanctifies you." (Leviticus 20:7-8).
In the United States, we are blessed to have a constitution that gives us the right and responsibility to preserve our freedom -- both for ourselves and future generations. We have freedom of religion, the right to bear arms, the right to assemble, and the right to dissent. We have the power to vote, and the opportunity to ensure that our friends, family, and fellow countrymen are aware of the current risks to our freedom. Today is not the time to surrender or leave our spiritual worldview out of politics. Therefore, Paul's advice can be taken as a call to action for those of us who have the freedom to not lose it, "If you can gain your freedom, do so!"
1 Corinthians 7:21 Were you a slave when you were called? Don't let it trouble you--although if you can gain your freedom, do so.
“Progressive Christianity” is often code language for compromising on old sin.
"To be “strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might” you must be strong upon your knees. “My God will hear me” is a sentence which you must know by heart." - Charles Spurgeon
Reckon that every sermon is a wasted sermon that is not Christ's word, we must have the Lord's Word and nothing else. -C.H. Spurgeon -
Like it or not, people are looking at us as visible representatives of Jesus Christ. They are making evaluations about God according to the way that we live. Yes, it’s a lot of pressure. But it’s also part of being a disciple.
We ought to be living godly lives to the extent that we could say, as Paul did, “And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1 NLT). In other words, “Follow my example.”