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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

Every one of us has something heavy we’re carrying as we walk through our day. And remembering that others have burdens of their own will help us choose to be a little kinder to one another. Today, we can choose to let compassion rise, grace soften, and love lead.

"Our Lord Jesus by his intercession is drawing us to heaven, and we have only to wait a little while and we shall be with him where he is." - Charles Spurgeon

"If you have believed in Christ unto eternal life, and are expecting that God will be as good as his word, have you not found that your hope sustains you and maintains you in your position?" - Charles Spurgeon

If we are not changed by grace, then we are not saved by grace. -A.W. Tozer -'

It was the Word of God I used as my anchor in the past storms of my life. If I chose the wrong anchor, I would have sunk.

Only GOD can calm a storm and hold you in the midst of it.

Surely if we ask God to bless us, the least we can do is bless Him. -A.W. Pink -

When these loved ones are gone, do not look at their going, but thank God that you had them. Spurgeon

"The more grace we have, the less we shall think of ourselves, for grace, like light, reveals our impurity." — Charles Spurgeon

"No matter how many second or third or fiftieth causes seem to be in control of what happens to us, it is God who is in charge, He who holds the keys, He who casts the lot finally into the lap." -Elisabeth Elliot.

"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon


We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.

C. S. Lewis

“Death is only a grim porter to let us into a stately palace.” — Richard Sibbes

"We know of a certainty that Jesus of Nazareth, after his death and burial, rose from the grave and that forty days afterward, in the presence of his disciples, he went up into heaven, and a cloud received him." - Charles Spurgeon

Think of how many people are in trouble today, financially, not just in the ministry but in business, because they do not have accountability. As Christians, no matter what we do, we must have accountability, so we can have clean hands before the Lord and before man. No accusation should stick to us. The Christian must recognize that there are no degrees of right and wrong.

~Donald Grey Barnhouse~

Consecration isn’t our giving anything to God. It is our taking our hands off what already belongs to God. ~Walter B. Knight~

"America needs God more than God needs America. If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under." Ronald Reagan

Only that prayer that comes from our hearts can get to God’s heart.

~C. H. Spurgeon~

If you're looking for grace -- true favor and blessing -- look no further than to the Lord's favor. If you're looking for genuine peace in your life, look to Jesus who gives you His peace that passes all understanding.

"What a blessed thing it is that the child of God knows and feels that this is true: wherever he fails, he will succeed at the throne!" - Charles Spurgeon

The Bible is not just words about God, it is the Word of God. When it speaks, God speaks.

Our hope in Christ for the future is the mainstream of our joy. -C.H. Spurgeon -

We are in these earthy jars of clay. We need to be spiritually born again to know and see the truth and to discover the great treasure of God’s love, housed in such simple, common vessels. We need to understand who we are: children of the Almighty God.

Jesus prayed to the Father, “Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth” (John 17:17 NLT). The truth we find in the Bible is the only absolute truth we can be certain of in life. And when we understand what God says about life, it sets us free.

A disciple will carefully read, study, and live according to God’s Word. Jesus said, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31-32 NLT). The Bible says that He addressed these words to those who believed in Him.

Real faith isn’t a hopeful wish. Real faith is making the decision that no matter the outcome, we’ll choose to see it as God’s perfect answer.

Through the good. Through the not-so-good. And even through the downright awful—we will trust God. Now this doesn’t mean we won’t cry and express hurt. But it does mean we’ve decided it’s better to have lived trying to take leaps of faith in God than to walk away from Him.

SOMETIME YOU WILL crawl into the deepest pit of suffering known to humanity so all of humanity might know there is no darkness into which YOU will not give chase.


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