Be encouraged today that if you are a believer, you're a servant of Jesus Christ and you're a saint in Jesus Christ. The best part is we serve the Lord in all we do which means we don't have to wait. Serve Him right where you are.
We like to blame the Devil for everything and say, "The Devil made me do it." Yes, the Devil can tempt you, but he needs cooperation. He needs to work with you, and you need to work with him.
The sinful things we do have nothing to do with logic; it's just our nature to do them. It comes from within. And the faster we recognize we have a sinful nature, the better equipped we'll be to fight temptation.
God is able to give us peace when our lives are going to pieces. ~James F. Lewis~
We, humans, want to do things our way. Forget the easy way. Forget the common way. Forget the best way. Forget God’s way. We want to do things our way! And according to Isaiah 53:6, that is exactly our problem. “We all have wandered away like sheep; each of us has gone his own way.” Max Lucado
God's plan for you wasn't to be an alcoholic, a drug addict, or a lustful person. His design was that you would be like Him. God's love is so powerful and full of healing. Religion wants to nail you down and say, "Okay now, you're going to live with the guilt of this forever." But the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed for you allows you to simply live by faith as a child.
The essence of God’s action in wrath is to give men what they choose, in all its implications; nothing more, and equally nothing less. ~J. I. Packer~
God’s Provision
But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. ~ Matthew 6:6 Prayer is the key to heaven’s treasures. ~John Gerhard~
As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, Satan has no power over us. Colossians 1:13 says that God has "delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love." But as we see here in 1 Thessalonians, Satan can certainly make things difficult for us here on earth. And it's important to realize that he will attempt to thwart the work God has given us to do. Satan can hinder us. The Greek word for hindered literally means, "to cut a trench between one's self and an advancing army or a foe, and to prevent progress."
When people attempt to minister by the law, spiritual deadness results. Since the law sets forth a perfect standard but offers no assistance, it "deadens" those who try to live by it. Only those who minister by grace can hold forth life to people because grace alone provides the life that God intends for us to experience.
"No legacy is so rich as honesty." ~ William Shakespeare
"There's a difference between keeping your chin up and sticking your neck out." ~ Joe Moore
"When you're forced to stand alone, you realize what you have in you"
God wants us to be willing. Willing to do what He tells us to do. Willing to serve Him. Willing to listen. God regards your willingness as a serious matter.
"God can do in a moment what would take us a lifetime to achieve." — Louie Giglio
When people attempt to minister by the law, spiritual deadness results. Since the law sets forth a perfect standard but offers no assistance, it "deadens" those who try to live by it. Only those who minister by grace can hold forth life to people because grace alone provides the life that God intends for us to experience.
Ministry is to be engaged in by individuals, families, and churches. Every ministry will either be characterized as a "ministry of death" or a "ministry of life." Contact with ministries either brings spiritual deadness to people or brings spiritual vitality.
God has called Christians to be disciples and disciple-makers. And preferably we will do both at the same time.
By accepting the lifestyle change that comes with the love of Jesus, we can receive the full benefit of having a relationship with Him.
Many of us have had too much junk food in the last month, right? But, no matter how we may have made poor food choices, spiritual junk food is an even worse choice to make! Let’s be truth seekers, on a quest for real faith, life-changing faith!
“Relational evangelism” is only effective if we’re actually sharing the Gospel in our relationships. Otherwise, we’re just befriending people all the way to Hell.
“Lord, open the king of England’s eyes.” — William Tyndale
When we do not consult with him as situations develop but instead trust more in our own wisdom, counsel, and sufficiency than we do in God's, we set ourselves up as our own lords, independent of him, and act as though we can manage things according to our good pleasure. Charnock
Sin in us is like the beard. We are shaved today and look clean, and have a smooth chins. Tomorrow our beard has grown again—nor does it cease growing while we remain on earth. In like manner sin cannot be extirpated from us; it springs up in us as long as we live!
Martin Luther