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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

Godly characteristics develop in our lives through the working of God's grace within us. We now begin consideration of a closely related subject: a contrast between living by the old covenant or by the new (by law or by grace). The ongoing choices we make here determine whether we will be living by man's sufficiency or by God's.

“When you are in the dark, listen, and God will give you a very precious message for someone else when you get into the light.” —Oswald Chambers

Jesus commanded His followers to “go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19-20). It takes one to make one. Discipleship is really about living the Christian life to its fullest.

We live in a world that demonizes godly men who act like men and glorify men who dress like women. Satan is no longer in the shadows!

“It is a serious spiritual deficiency when a church has either ‘leaders who are untrustworthy or members who are incapable of trusting.’” — Matt Smethurst quoting Mark Dever

“We should labor to clear the eye of the soul, that we may behold the glory of God in the glass of the gospel.” — Richard Sibbes

"... almost all [forms of legalism in the church] insist that an individual’s good works are necessary for his final justification before God on judgment day." ––

Ligonier Ministries, A Field Guide on False Teaching, 62.

“… we are saved by His faithfulness, not by our faithfulness.”

“God governs the world according to his will, and our murmuring implies that God's will is not the rule of righteousness. This is an affront to God's care of his creatures as if the products of our shallow reasons were more beautiful and just than God's plan for us.” — Charnock

"Like sheep obedient to the shepherd, rise up and follow him wherever he goes." —

Charles Spurgeon

"Any teaching, whatever authority is may claim, which does not glorify Christ, is most assuredly false." — Charles Spurgeon

"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon "My difficulty is not understanding how God could have hated Esau. My trouble is to understand how God could love Jacob." — Charles Spurgeon "Our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strengths." — Charles Spurgeon

"Our sins are gone. He cast them into his own tomb, and they are buried there, never to have a resurrection." — Charles Spurgeon "O Christian, the world is not your friend. If it is, then you are not God's friend." — Charles Spurgeon "We are not fighting for a dead man's cause. We have a living, reigning king!" — Charles Spurgeon "Because God is a Father full of gentleness and tenderness, sin against him is exceedingly sinful." — Charles Spurgeon "On other people's graves it is written, 'Here lies so-and-so,' but on Christ's tomb it is recorded, 'He is not here.'" — Charles Spurgeon "If Christ could grow weary of me, he would have been tired of me long before now." — Charles Spurgeon

A good Christian husband prioritizes his wife. C. S. Lewis


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