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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

Updated: May 3, 2023

*Problems are just opportunities dressed up in work clothes.

When we look at the world around us, we see the church has no voice. We are no longer salt and light to a dying world. We have become ineffective. On this National Day of Prayer, I pray Christian brothers and sisters around the world would commit to continuing in prayer day and night. I pray we would no longer compromise God’s Word or be silent. Make that your commitment on this day of prayer.

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing ~Edmund Burke~

SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITIES... Most people work a J.O.B = (Just Over Broke), and All of them want an M.B.A. = (Massive Bank Account) They are clueless on how to create wealth and be R.I.C.H = (Residual Income Creates Happiness) Continuously surrounding themselves with H.A.T.E.R.S = (Having Anger Towards Everyone Reaching Success) and then wonder why they are P.O.O.R =(Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly)...

God's Word gives the answer: weave His truths into everyday life when sitting, walking, laying down, and getting up. Any moment can become a teachable moment. There is no holding pattern for believers nor can we live in a neutral state. We are either going forward or backward. We are either being renewed or consumed.

Sheep are dumb, can never be left alone, and often stray, requiring the shepherd to find and rescue them. A shepherd never pushes his sheep but rather leads his sheep, going before them, and making sure they are not walking into danger. The needs of sheep, compared to the needs of other animals, are greater because of their instinct to be afraid and when faced with a fearful situation, to run. Without a shepherd to care for the sheep, they will not last long.

God wasn't only interested in getting the children of Israel out of Egypt. He also

wanted to get Egypt out of the children of Israel - both physically

and spiritually. God's plan was to transform slave people into

Promised Land people. He used some tough times in the desert to

accomplish that goal, but God always had that goal in sight.

When we get away from God’s Word, we move away from a moral society. When we have no absolutes, people do whatever they want, and they can justify their actions. - Raul Ries Another significant characteristic resulting from living by grace is that we become living letters of Christ. "You are manifestly an epistle of Christ." The Lord wants to turn our lives into a "walking and talking letter of Him." He wants to make us a living explanation of who Christ is and all that He offers. What a great opportunity this presents.

"Our sufficiency is from God." When we live in humble dependency, the Lord's supply becomes our needed sufficiency. "Our sufficiency is from God, who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant."

Our inadequacy is the first matter the Lord desires to clarify for us. "Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves." Our own personal inadequacy is so comprehensive that we cannot expect that anything godly or eternal will source from us. We do not have any resources that can save a soul, transform a life, or cause the Lord's church to be edified.

One amazing aspect of God exercising His ability on our behalf is the imparting of His power within our lives: "according to the power that works in us." This is how the Lord wants to develop godliness in our lives. He Himself desires to work by the power of His grace deep within our hearts.

“The design of the doctrine of the catechism is our comfort and salvation. Our salvation consists in the enjoyment of the highest good. Our comfort comprises the assurance and confident expectation of the full and perfect enjoyment of this highest good…”

“God is the final judge, and he has already forgiven you in Christ.” — Deepak Reju

"Just as God appointed Adam to represent all of humanity, so he appointed Christ to represent all who trust in him as Savior." –– Jerry Bridges, Who Am I, 22. “God puts a spiritual eye by his Spirit into all true believers, by which they behold his excellent glory. This glorious gift was given so that God may have the glory, and we the comfort.” — Richard Sibbes “Everything in the Christian life… has more to do with God’s commitment and God’s devotion to us; His work to save us in spite of ourselves.” — Jimmy Buehler

“For every look at yourself, take ten looks at Christ.” — Robert Murray M’Cheyne

He tenderly binds up the broken heart The soul bowed down He will raise For mourning, the ointment of joy will impart For heaviness, garments of praise. —Robert Murray M’Cheyne

“Wisdom is the skill of living a godly life. It's not just knowledge about God and his Word; it involves faithfully applying it to everyday life.” — Deepak Reju

“Christ shall be the center to which all the lines of my ministry shall be drawn.” —John Flavel

"Sanctify yourself, and you will sanctify society." — St. Francis of Assisi


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