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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

“One person with a belief is equal to a force of ninety-nine with only interests.” — John Stuart Mills

“If you believe you can, and believe it strongly enough, you’ll be amazed at what you can do.” — Nido Qubein

“Believe that you have a destiny to be great.” — Mark Victor Hansen

If you are in the habit of starving your most important relationships of time, energy, and love, how can you expect a happy outcome?

Anytime you put yourself and God you messed up, God shares His glory with no one.

"A Christian is the result of the operation of God, nothing less, nothing else. No man can make himself a Christian; God alone makes Christians... A Christian is one who has been created anew; and there is only One who can create, namely, God. It takes the power of God to make a Christian." Martyn Lloyd-Jones (Ephesians - God's Ultimate Purpose)

"Love is the overflow of joy in God! It is not duty for duty's sake or a resolute abandoning of one's own good." — John Piper

"Worry is a conversation you have with yourself about things you cannot change. Prayer is a conversation you have with God about things He can change."

"God's peace is not the calm after the storm. It's the steadfastness during it." — Michelle Bengtson

"God's grace is not an excuse to sin, but rather a reason to love and serve Him more fully."

— John Piper

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies." — Hudson Taylor

The Lord’s Prayer isn’t just a prayer — it is an outline for prayer.

What is your calling? What gives you joy? What do other people tell you they see in you? God is a God of dreams! Dust off your dreams and spend time on that joy!

“Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. Grit is having stamina,”

"The more we receive God's gifts with gratitude and awe, the more they empower us to respond to God's love." — Henri Nouwen

“It is impossible for a man who is warm to understand one who is cold.” —

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

C. S. Lewis paints a vivid description of how we humans seem to desecrate every good thing God does for us. In his book Letters to Malcolm, Lewis writes, “We poison the wine as He decants it into us; murder a melody He would play with us as the instrument. We caricature the self-portrait He would paint. Hence all sin, whatever else it is, is a sacrilege...”

Whatever is in your past that you bring to Jesus is wiped away. Your record is clear with Him! He’s that gracious! He’s that merciful! Bask in that today and don’t shy away from Him any longer. He loves you more that you can possibly understand.

What do you need to let go? Who do you need to forgive? You’ve got work to do, divine goals to pursue, and godly purposes to attend to, so don’t get stuck! Be courageous!

“…the freedom to choose a Godly path is the essence of liberty,” …in his 1981 National Day of Prayer proclamation President Ronald Reagan also said, “As a Nation, we cannot but hope that more of our citizens would, through prayer, come into a closer relationship with their Maker.”

To get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees.

~ Billy Graham~

"Do not be satisfied with loving people in your own mind. Love them until they feel your love."—Mike Mason


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