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Writer's picture: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

Most Christians don’t hear God’s voice because we’ve already decided we aren’t going to do what He says.

~A. W. Tozer~

In today’s America, too many are focused on unimportant matters of daily existence. When someone tries to share the gospel, their response is, “Shut up. You’re messing with my life.” They don’t understand the god of this world has blinded their minds.

The Gospel is clear. All have sinned and are separated from God; Jesus died and rose again to pay the price for sin and restore a right relationship with the Father. One only needs to believe the message.

Theologian Richard John Neuhaus stated that Christians are by nature people out of place. You are not a citizen of this world; your true home is with God. You are a stranger in a strange land – an exile.

Chapter 29 of Jeremiah is a letter to exiles. The people of Judah had been taken captive to Babylon. Their world was dark. They were warned to be wary of false-hope givers. They knew not to expect anything good from the Babylonian government. But in the middle of their exile, they received a message of hope. God had a plan…to bring them back and restore their future. You, too, have a letter from the Lord, and it is a Bible full of hope and restoration.

Don’t despair when you look at the bleakness of this earthly place. Find encouragement in being reconciled to God through Christ. Know that all future hope is in Him. Keep your prayers tied to the Lord’s will and His plans. They will not be thwarted!

Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.

Jeremiah 29:12

Where did we get the idea we can’t change? Where do statements come from such as, “It’s just my nature to worry,” or. . . “I’ll always be pessimistic. I’m just that way.” Or, “I have a bad temper. I can’t help the way I react?” Who says? Would we say, “it’s just my nature to have a broken leg? I can’t do anything about it.” Of course not. If our body malfunctions, we seek help. Shouldn’t we do the same with our hearts? Can’t we seek aid for our sour attitudes? Of course, we can. Jesus can change our hearts! He wants us to have a heart like his!

All life should be subject to the kingly rule of God.

~Martin Buber~

Even in the best of people, you will find faults if you are looking for them. When I read my bible I do not see leaders without fault. The people who found favor with God were not perfect but had the heart to be perfected in Him. There is no perfect leader, church, ministry, husband, wife, or friend. There will always be more reasons not to get involved in people's lives than to get involved.

love motivated Jesus. He wasn't playing games, and He wasn't "playing church." He was simply thinking about you.

When Jesus hung on the cross, do you think He was worried about looking spiritual? Do you believe He died a torturous, humiliating death because He wanted respect? Of course not! If he wanted respect, He would have avoided the cross and hung out with the people who crucified Him.

People are either drawn to Jesus or repelled by Jesus but all that matters is Jesus in you.

People of God need to be bold, not arrogant~ courageous not afraid, Faith Filled And Christ-Centered.

A Christian man was passing out Gospel tracts to passerbys in an area near his home. A homeless man stopped, took one of the tracts, and said, "I can't read, but I will surely watch your tracks!" In other words, how we live the example of Christ, walking in His footsteps, is just as important to the world as our words. Non-Christians are unconcerned with the doctrines we Christians hold so dear. For example, whether or not we believe water baptism is a necessity for salvation; or in the principle of God's election versus our own free will. To them, all that matters is how we live our life. Is it moral? Is it just? Is it upright and honest? More damage has been done to the cause of Christ by Christian behavior than by any other factor. We are always to live as the sent people of the Lord!

Time shall be no more when judgment comes, and when

time is no more, change is impossible.

~C. H. Spurgeon~

It’s not the matter you cover so much as it is the manner in which you cover it.” – Jim Rohn

Albert Einstein once made a wonderful point about his theory of relativity: He only came up with it once, but it kept him in pipe tobacco for years. Einstein realized what more leaders need to discover: that a major breakthrough can launch an organization from good to great, so great leaders always push for that breakthrough. Pushing for a breakthrough generates a leader’s best friend - momentum. Momentum makes your work or your mission easier to accomplish than anything else.

Breakthroughs occur when we continually: 1. Meet needs (which allows us to stay in the arena); 2. Improve ourselves and our team; and 3. Succeed. It’s a fact that there is no success like success. So if you want to go from good leadership to great leadership, keep pushing toward a breakthrough. And when momentum arrives, either because you are near the goal or because you’ve broken through, don’t ease up. That’s when you push the pedal to the metal. Are you leading in a way in which breakthroughs are possible?

“Better understated than overstated. Let people be surprised that it was more than you promised and easier than you said.” – Jim Rohn

Often when we see greatness in others we assume they are just more fortunate, blessed with special gifts. In reality they have utilized a greater depth of their human resources simply because failing to be, do and share their all would be the ultimate pain for them.

Do you believe that the end is near? Do you believe the words of Jesus when He says to be ready and to have your house in order? Do you believe that His return is soon? If you've answered "yes" to these questions, then let me ask you this: Do you love the Lord and do you love your neighbors so much that you will share the love of Jesus with them? There should be a resounding "Yes!" coming through the internet right now. Jesus says that bad times are coming, but the Gospel still needs to be given. Take personal responsibility to be faithful to Jesus' words; don't leave it up to the preachers and teachers out there to preach the Gospel. God has called you to do it too, and He has given you His Holy Spirit to help you.

Your eternal destination is really your choice. Not everyone will be saved in the end—only those who put their faith in Jesus Christ.

The famous pastor C.H. Spurgeon once said when teaching students regarding ministry, "When you teach on heaven, let there always be a glow on your face, a gleam in your eye, and a smile on your lips. When you teach on hell, your normal face will do just fine."

LOL, I love Spurgeon!


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