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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


Don’t be afraid to pray for the same things that people in the Bible prayed for.


Forgiveness like David

Wisdom like Solomon

Healing like Hezekiah

Guidance like Gideon

A Miracle like Hannah

Deliverance like Jonah

Protection like Nehemiah

Revival like Habakkuk Jason Powell-

Without Jesus, there is only God's wrath. I know for some it is a tough concept to embrace, but it is true nonetheless. The fact God knows of our past, present, and future unrighteousness does not mean God is unjust in judging us. It is why He gave us a Savior. He died for us so we may live. God's love is infinite.

“If our God is the same as the God of the New Testament believers, how can we justify ourselves in resting content with an experience of communion with him, and a level of Christian conduct, that falls so far below theirs?” —J. I. Packer

“Since you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God”

Colossians 3:1-3, NIV).

Ray Bently

If there is one thing that became evident to people in 2020, it is that life is unpredictable. The ongoing pandemic altered or canceled many people’s plans and taught everyone to adapt to whatever they were faced with. It seems as though Americans, especially, like to have their lives planned out. But the Bible suggests a different way to live.

Proverbs 27 cautions against bragging about what’s ahead. This passage is not saying that it is wrong to plan wisely for the future. Instead, it is a warning about the overconfidence and feelings of control that comes when someone gets too wrapped up in their own plans. The truth is that no one knows what will happen each day, aside from God. When a person gets so committed to his plans that he feels like he is in control of his future, it becomes dangerous.

Preacher Charles Spurgeon argued that the mystery of each day is a blessing, since “knowing the good might lead you to presumption, and knowing the evil might tempt you to despair.” While altered plans can be a shock and even frustrating to you, this is never the case for God. He is always in control, always knows the future, and always knows exactly what to do next.

The next time you face altered plans, whether large or small, take a moment to stop and thank God for His plan which is always perfect.

Jeremiah 29:11!

CAN or WILL? More than once, Kasi and/or I have received messages saying, "You need to stop saying that God CAN heal your son Titus, and start saying God WILL heal your son." As though my wording is holding God back, and my faith is not strong enough to say WILL. This is where theology that is not grounded in TRUTH can be harmful. I always INTENTIONALLY say that "God CAN heal our son." Just because God CAN, doesn't necessarily mean He WILL, here on earth! (Now, I do believe He WILL in eternity.) The Apostle Paul prayed for God to remove a "thorn of the flesh". However, as far as we know from Scripture, God chose not to remove it. Did Paul lack faith? Did he get his wording wrong in the prayer? Nope! God was using it in Paul's life. FAITH is not using the right wording to manipulate God to do what you want Him to. Faith is trusting that God CAN, but even if God is choosing not to - He has a WILL that is bigger and better than our "hopes that He WILL". FAITH is the ability to TRUST God even when you don't understand, even when it doesn't make sense, and even when He is not doing what you want Him to. Because He has a WILL that is far more glorious than our WILL. May His WILL be done...

our money can make you an overseas missionary without ever leaving your hometown, an evangelist without ever mounting a platform, a broadcaster without ever entering a studio, or a Bible teacher without ever writing a book.

~John Blanchard~

Many may tell you that joy is the absence of sorrow and that peace is the absence of war. For the believer, joy and peace abound because of God’s loving presence. It is fellowship with Him because of the work of Jesus on the cross. It is a relationship that is available because of Christ’s payment for the sins of all who believe. Hearts need not be afraid because He gives His assurance of salvation. There needs to be no spiritual unrest.

It is this awareness that quiets the inner turmoil… that settles the heart trembling because of suffering or impending danger. Though others around you may be afraid, do not fear. Jesus came “that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). In his New Testament Commentary, William Hendriksen describes the peace of Jesus as a legacy (something He leaves behind) and a treasure (a gift of great value). When it enters the believer’s heart, anxiety is driven out. “The world may give outward pleasure, physical rest and enjoyment, honor, wealth, but never that inner assurance which is the reflection of the smile of God in the heart of his child.”

Jesus, the Lord God, finished His work on earth, but He has never forsaken you. Study Scripture; pray for God’s guidance and His wisdom.

He (Jesus) was like a king who temporarily puts on the garments of a peasant while at the same time remaining king.

~John F. Walvoord~

God raised up Apollos who "vigorously refuted the Jews in public debate." Why are we so afraid to do the same? I believe we (as the body of believers) spend far too much time preaching to one another when our real mission is to reach and save the world.

The problem with one another is it is no longer preaching but teaching and counseling, being your brother's keeper.

Jesus isn’t offering you a better life, or your best life. He is promising you eternal life in Heaven

rather than in Hell.

When we present the Gospel, it is only good news if folks hear the bad news, too. They are

sinners, spiritually dead, condemned to Hell. At the Cross, Jesus took their place. He exchanges

His righteousness for their sin so that God can declare the believing sinner justified. He rose

from the dead, offering them His empowering by the indwelling Holy Spirit

You are “predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn

among many brethren” (Romans 8:29). It doesn’t mean that a person is predestined,

before they are born, to either Heaven or Hell. It means that after you are born again, it is your

destiny to become like Jesus.

f you are put on the shelf, do not rust there, but pray the master to brighten you up so that when He comes to use you again you may be fully fitted for the work which He has in hand for you.

~C. H. Spurgeon~

Adam and Eve committed the first sin. The first Adam disobeyed God and was banished from the garden, bringing the curse of death upon humanity. The “last Adam,” Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:45), obeyed by entering a garden and surrendering to God’s will, restoring life to humanity. The garden referred to is on the east side of the Mt. of Olives, where Jesus often went to pray, rest, and meditate (Luke 22:39).

Our souls long to return to the Garden where God created us. He gave us a love for His creation, and a desire to be restored by its beauty.


God is always on time and never late so don't rush and make it worse for yourself. Sometimes it helps to have good time management skills.

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