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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


"The Lord Jesus loves his people so much, that every day he is still washing their soiled feet." — Charles Spurgeon

"Judas heard all Christ’s sermons." - Thomas Goodwin

The highest form of selfishness is that of the man who is content to go to heaven alone. —

JC Ryle

"Sin and sorrow cannot be divorced. Holiness and happiness cannot be separated." —

Charles Spurgeon

My goal is God Himself--not joy, not peace, not even blessing, but God! -Leonard Ravenhill

Most men, indeed, play at religion as they play at games, religion itself being of all games the one most universally played -A.W. Tozer

"Measure, not God's love and favor by your own feeling. The sun shines as clearly in the darkest day as it does in the brightest." -Richard Sibbes. "Preaching is the proclamation of Christ in such a way that the people are both captivated and transformed." - Brian Chappell

"If ye then be risen with Christ ye walk in newness of life, while the world abideth in death." - Charles Spurgeon

"A Word-centered focus in the pulpit is the defining mark of all true expositors." —

Steven J. Lawson

When convinced persons cried out, “What shall we do to be saved?” the answer was “Believe, and ye shall be so.” They are not directed first to secure their souls that they are born again, and then afterward to believe. —John Owen, Works 6:597-98

“The sufficiency of Christ stretches to his sufficiency as the fulfilling center of the whole canon of Scripture." —Graeme Goldsworthy, Christ-Centered Biblical Theology, 225

Our opinions don’t change Scripture, Scripture should change our opinions.

"Our Jesus lives, and because he lives we shall live also, world without end." - Charles Spurgeon

"Let us spend our risen life on earth as Jesus spent his,— in a greater seclusion from the world and in greater nearness to heaven than ever." - Charles Spurgeon "Oh seek to know on earth the peace of heaven, the rest of heaven, the victory of heaven, the service of heaven, the communion of heaven, the holiness of heaven; you may have foretastes of all these; seek after them." - Charles Spurgeon "So that by virtue of our rising in Christ we have received life and have become the subjects of a wondrous change,— “old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new.” - Charles Spurgeon

‘Here in this stirring call to “Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead”, we find a tonic for the soul.’ — Alistair Begg

"It [is a good] rule never to see the face of man [in the morning] till [you] have first seen the face of God." — Charles Spurgeon, The Treasury of David (Psalm 119:147)

"We only live once on this Earth and we can either make our lives count for Christ or we can live for ourselves and forever regret it." ~ Jadon Goins

"Farewell, thou deadly love of sin; we have done with thee! Farewell, dead world, corrupt world; we have done with thee! Christ has raised us. Christ has given us eternal life." -

Charles Spurgeon

If the wrath-bearing, substitutionary nature of the cross of Christ is denied –– you have fundamentally misunderstood the gospel.

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