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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


The false prophet is a man who has no ‘strait gate’ or ‘narrow way’ in his gospel. He has nothing which is offensive to the natural man; he pleases all. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

The liberation Christ brought to us through His sacrifice on the Cross is greater than any other freedom in the world. However, there is a warning (1 Peter 2:16): "Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God's slaves."

The simple phrase "in Christ" indicates the extent of the intimacy that is available by grace. "In Christ" is where we live spiritually. It is also how we live. As surely as a fish is in the ocean and lives on the resources of the ocean, we are "in Christ" and live on the resources of Christ. "The only way to learn strong faith is to endure great trials." — George Müller

Spiritual death through Adam made this covenant of grace necessary. Spiritual life through Christ makes intimacy with God possible. Every human who has ever existed inherited a sinful, fallen, earthly life from Adam:

"God loves each of us as if there were only one of us"

— St. Augustine

Sin separates us from God. And just because it is physical sin doesn't lessen the impact.

The temptation of sexual immorality bombards us constantly. It's everywhere we look -- whether on the internet, television, magazines, or billboards. It's almost unavoidable. Sex outside of marriage is seen as normal, desirable, progressive, practical, and even the necessary satisfaction of a basic physical need.

God does still have something to say to each one of us.

Jesus set the precedent by dying for us —and resurrecting. Through Him, we experience hope, new life, beauty, and the love that will nourish and carry us through the end of our days and into eternity.

You don’t have to be a preacher, or an author, or a social media “influencer” to have impact for the Kingdom of God, to be an authentic influencer. What you do matters! Your godly influence can change lives.

Love requires that you pray for those most in need of salvation.

Most of us have at least one hater in our lives. People who chose to be difficult and mean no matter how much grace, peace, hope, and love are offered and even with years of effort. They’re hard to forgive. Hard to tolerate. Hard to pray for. And yet, that’s our commandment from the Lord!

Boundaries will help you stay fixed on what is good, what is acceptable, and what you need to stay healthy and whole.

You’re not crazy. It might be very painful to realize that you can’t do anything about someone else’s choices and behavior because you want so badly for the relationship to work. Pray today for the self-control and strength to keep healthy boundaries.

PSA: If your strategy to reach the next generation with the Gospel is to start compromising on sin and biblical truth… it’s not going to work. It never has and never will. Be kind. Be loving. Be patient. But, also be Biblical. Be conventional. Be bold. Be clear.

"Even though you fall into sin through the infirmity of your flesh, yet if it causes you intense agony and sorrow it is because God has written his law in your heart." - Charles Spurgeon

“What distinguishes the persons of the Trinity from each other are their relations to each other, not their relations to us.” — Scott Swain, 33

“Thy Word is full of promises…May I be made rich in its riches, be strong in its power, be happy in its joy, abide in its sweetness, feast on its preciousness, draw vigor from its manna.”

—Puritan Prayer

If you’re now sending your children to public schools and to public universities, you need to realize that you’re sending them to religious institutions set against the God of creation.

Paul Washer

One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord ~Ps. 27:4 “The longer you know Christ, & the nearer you come to him, still, the more do you see of his glory.” ~John Flavel

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