Turn your eyes upon Jesus. “God's sovereignty does not mean we forget our sorrows and instantly cheer up. But it does mean that we can trust him. Through our tears and heartbreak, we can trust him to save us and to do all things well.” — Eric Schumacher
“Wherever we shuffle in the world, now here and now there, yet in God, we always have a home. He is ours, and we are his.” — Richard Sibbes
“… faith has no power in itself. It contributes nothing to our justification. It rests and acts in Christ alone. It is always the empty hand that receives. Faith is always receptive of God's promises and never a contributor to his actions.” — Sinclair Ferguson
"You’re the one who must take the initiative to draw out of your wife the information necessary to develop and maintain the one-flesh intimacy God intends you to have with her.” ––
Lou Priolo, The Complete Husband, 15-16.
You're beautiful, friend. God’s fingerprints dance all inside you. Don’t cheapen this reality by only looking for it skin deep. Beauty emerges from one’s soul. Leave traces of it wherever you go. Give it away through your words, your smile, your creativity, and your generous spirit.
"We cannot go to heaven as worldly men; for there would be nothing there to gratify us." — Charles Spurgeon
I am nothing, have nothing, and can do nothing without God. -George Whitefield
The redeemed shall never be independent of the cross or cease to draw from its fullness. -Horatius Bonar
One of the harsh realities of this fallen world is that best friends are not always best friends for life. —Josh Buice
"Emptiness is written upon everyone till the heart comes to its Savior and Lord." —
Charles Spurgeon
This short command is given to you ‘Love and do what you will.’ If you keep silent, keep silent by love; if you speak, speak by love; if you correct, correct by love; if you pardon, pardon by love: let love be rooted in you, and from the root, nothing but good can grow. Augustine
“Prayerlessness always goes hand in hand with a lack of Christian integrity. This is even more so for Christian leaders—to put it bluntly if they are not enjoying communion with God, then they are selling a product they don't really believe in.” — Michael Reeves
Being okay with your teenager watching porn is being okay with them consuming poison. It’s more than curiosity, it’s addiction training. 15-year-old porn addicts remain 30-year-old porn addicts that destroy their marriages, and their careers and develop an unhealthy view of people.
I do not understand why some of my fellows Reformed Baptists will say that we should not quote faithful brothers like MacArthur and Lawson since they are dispensational, but have no problem quoting men like Aquinas who saw Mary as a mediator.
"The path of duty is the way of blessing." -Iain Murray.
You that are yet in doubt of your condition, consider that the patience of God was extended unto you this day, this very day, that you might use it for obtaining the remission of your sins. —
John Owen, Works 6:453
"The best church that ever Christ had on earth would within a few years apostatize from the truth if deserted by the Spirit of God." - Charles Spurgeon
The world, the flesh, and the devil can never overwhelm the weakest person who sets their face toward God. -
"I do not know how it is that we have been kept together in love, helped to abound in labor, and enabled to be firm in the faith unless it is that special grace has watched over us." -
Charles Spurgeon
"Behold, the church is Christ’s Eden, watered by the river of life, and so fertilized that all manner of fruits are brought forth unto God." - Charles Spurgeon