"I know only one thing - that I know nothing." -Charles Simeon.
"Quote the text! Quote the text! Say the actual words of the text again and again. Show the people where your ideas are coming from." -John Piper.
"A minister's sermons should be incomparably the first thing in his thoughts." -J.C.Ryle.
"The way into the pocket is through the heart." -John Warburton.
"No amount of activity in the King's service will make up for the neglect of the King Himself." -Robert Murray M'Cheyne.
"If Christians had courage and skill to use conversation, even with strangers, as a means of leading men to Christ, the kingdom would spread gloriously."
"Doctrine is the foundation of duty; if the theory is not correct, the practice cannot be right. Tell me what a man believes, and I will tell you what he will do." -Tryon Edwards.
"Fill your affections with the cross of Christ, that there may be no room for sin." -John Owen.
"When the Spirit of God once takes a soul in hand we should be cautious how we take the work out of His hand, and speak peace before God Himself has spoken it, and thereby deceive." -
Mary Winslow.
"Keep an illustration journal -write down good illustrations for use later on." -
"To speak about Christ is heaven on earth." -Richard Wurmbrand.
The Bible doesn't say that hairs won't fall from your head, but that they won't fall unless it is your Father's will." -Joel Beeke.
"Where have all the saints gone?" -Maurice Roberts.
"The positive and able inculcation of the truth is the best defense against error."
-James W. Alexander.
"Life is a working day." -Hannah More.
"Eternity to the godly is a day which has no sun-setting; and to the wicked, a night which has no sun-rising." -Thomas Watson.
"It is the duty of children if the necessity of their parents does at any time require it, to support and supply them to the utmost of their ability." -Matthew Henry.
"Avoid as you would a deadly snake any man who denies the law of God is the Christian's rule of life." -Arthur Pink.
"For I desire nothing in this world so much as to have my children well instructed in the principles of religion, that they may walk in the narrow way which alone leads to happiness." -Susanna Wesley.
"Not all the armies in the world can take out the life of one believer until God decrees it is time." -Paul Washer.
"Stand up for Jesus." -the dying words of Dudley Tyng.