"We Christians have an unregenerate part which is discontented at a change in management." -William Gurnall.
Jesus extends this invitation to everyone that comes believing in Him. He alone can lift our burdens, heal our broken hearts, and rescue us from sin— If we're struggling and tired, He'll give us relief! "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest."
I will keep the ground that God has given me and perhaps in his grace, he will ignite me again. But ignite me or not, in his grace, in his power, I will hold the ground.
John Knox
In the presence of a great common foe, I have little time to be attacking my brethren who stand with me in defense of the Word of God.
Trying to clean yourself before going to Jesus is like trying to heal yourself before going to the doctor.
“It is one thing for the majority to conclude that the Constitution protects a right to same-sex marriage; it is something else to portray everyone who does not share the majority’s ‘better-informed understanding’ as bigoted.” —Chief Justice John Roberts
“The will of God is the foundation of the gospel.” —
Thomas Goodwin, Works 1:142.
“Let me forget the world — and be swallowed up in the desire to glorify God.”
D Brainard
“If you will not worship God on Monday, then you did not worship Him on Sunday.” -
AW Tozer
A Christian does not only desire to be saved himself, but he has a love for his neighbor, also greatly desiring to bring his neighbor to the knowledge of the truth, and to repentance and salvation. —Wilhelmus à Brakel (1635-1711),
As the hard frosts in winter bring on the flowers in the spring, so the evils of affliction produce much good to those that love God. —Thomas Watson
It is right to take a generational stand against Satan's lies, brothers. We must! But this is the harder and deeper work:
Administrating (putting chaos into order).
Repenting & confessing.
“Teach me…” (Ps119:12) “Teach me…” (Ps119:26) “Teach me…” (Ps119:33) “Teach me…” (Ps119:64) “Teach me…” (Ps119:66) “Teach me…” (Ps119:68) “teach me…” (Ps119:108) “teach me…” (Ps119:124) “teach me…” (Ps119:135)
Pharaoh recognized and was sorry for his own sin multiple times. He also acknowledged God as God. But he never truly repented. Head knowledge means nothing.
"Let us live as dying men among dying men, and then we shall truly live. This will not make us unhappy; for surely no heir of heaven will fret because he is not doomed to live here forever." - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
"The great thing about the past is that it shows you what not to bring into the future."
"There bleeding upon Calvary we see the heart of the Father revealed in the pierced heart of his only-begotten Son." - Charles Spurgeon
“The door on which we have been knocking all our lives will open at last.” - C.S. Lewis
“Oh, the great consolations and enlargements of heart, with fervent desires after Jesus Christ and his grace, which have often made me thank God for trouble when I have found it [to] drive me nearer to himself and to the throne of grace.” —Agnes Beaumont, 5 Puritan Women, Pg. 45
The Holy Ghost is looking for simple-hearted believers who will claim for Jesus Christ the great stretches of unoccupied places of darkness. Cowman