Did Christ finish His work for us? Then there can be no doubt but He will also finish His work in us. John Flavel
Alas, in these degenerate times, few have any idea that saving #faith is a miraculous thing. -
A.W. Pink
How To Know a True Pastor: John 10:12 says a hireling (one who is in it for the money) doesn’t care for the SHEEP. -However, True Pastors keep the SHEEP from the wolf’s mouth. If he says they are a Pastor and runs when danger comes, they aren’t a Pastor but a hireling.
It is the duty of every person to spread as far as he can the words of God ... to show the world, as far as his knowledge, means & influence can reach, that God is loving to every man ... and that Jesus Christ, by the grace of God, has tasted death for every man. -
Adam Clarke
The elect doesn’t follow false teachers. —John MacArthur
Without and apart from Christ, nothing in this world can satisfy our deepest needs and longings. Samuel Rutherford
The Christian life is incompatible with a lazy person.
Paul employs the terms:
• A solider
• A farmer
• A slave
• A runner
• A boxer etc.
Couch potatoes and lovers of ease are foreign to the high calling and high privilege of the Christian life.
“Saying grace before we eat a meal reminds us that each meal is a testimony to God’s grace in giving us what we don’t deserve.” —
Ray Comfort
Jesus didn’t negotiate with Satan for our salvation. Instead, He offered Himself in payment to the Father for us. R.C. Sproul
Adam produced condemnation, Christ produced justification. —
John MacArthur
The pastor who cares about the spiritual growth of his people must make God and His Word the centerpiece of his ministry. —Steven Lawson
Study the Word of God; lay hold upon it, and spend your time in feasting upon precious truth! —Charles H. Spurgeon
“The real treasure of faith is not heaven. Faith’s supreme treasure is Christ.” -
Michael Reeves
“We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.” -
C.S. Lewis
Ministers may preach and writers may write, but the Lord Jesus Christ alone can build. And except He builds, the work stands still. -
JC Ryle
If there is no application in your sermon; you did not preach a full sermon.
"From beginning to end, the Bible tells the story of God’s redemptive plan, culminating in God’s triumph over evil and salvation for sinners." — Charles Spurgeon
"A sermon that just informs the mind can give people things to do after they go home, but a sermon that moves the heart from loving career or acclaim or one’s own independence to loving God and his Son changes listeners on the spot." - Tim Keller
rejoicing in the midst of tears, laughter, pain, or joy —knowing that in it all, God’s love never fails. That’s how I long to live—rejoicing, in the midst of tears, laughter, pain, or joy —knowing that in it all, God’s love never fails.
Wouldn’t it be great to think that we could reach a plateau in our lives as believers where we are somehow above all temptations and struggles? But that isn’t going to happen. The fight will rage on until that final day. So, we need to keep our armor on. We need to stay alert and aware and be constantly moving forward.