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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


"He [Christ] came into the world to save sinners, — just the sort of people that you are; and let the news be published over the whole earth, that whosoever believeth on him is not condemned." - Charles Spurgeon

"If you wish to know the secret of our success, it lies in this, that we have stood fair and square on the Bible doctrine of substitution." -D.L.Moody.

"Heartless hymns are insults to heaven." — Charles Spurgeon

If a church is seemingly unified without sound theology, its unity resides in amusing sentimentality or overt falsehood.

Let not those eyes be windows of lust and inlets to adultery with which you one day hope to behold your Father and your Redeemer Jesus Christ in glory. —

Christopher Love, Heaven’s Glory, Pg. 105

"Let us not be content indeed until the love of Christ is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us." - Charles Spurgeon

"One of the reasons I have kept journals and diaries is the desire to gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost." -Elisabeth Elliot.

The anthem of the Reformation: The gospel tells us that no one can merit a satisfactory righteousness before God apart from Jesus Christ by faith alone through grace alone.

“Salvation is by faith alone, that it may be seen to be of the free favor of God.” — Charles Spurgeon

"Do not read the Bible because you want to find texts for sermons, read it because it is the food that God has provided for your soul." -

Martyn Lloyd-Jones.

The prayer closet is a greater battle for the Christian than the public square.

"Study much, then, the word of God: be diligent in turning the pages of Scripture and in hearing God’s true ministers, that the flame of love within your hearts may be revived by the fuel of holy knowledge which you place upon it." - Charles Spurgeon

Grant me never to lose sight of:

The exceeding sinfulness of sin,

The exceeding righteousness of salvation,

The exceeding glory of Christ,

The exceeding beauty of holiness,

The exceeding wonder of grace. —

The Valley of Vision, Pg. 137

"Let the telephone between you and the Eternal never cease from its use." —

Charles Spurgeon

By faith, Moses renounced his place of privilege in Pharaoh's family, choosing to identify himself with God's people. He knew that loss and suffering awaited him. Yet, he was strengthened by faith to make this life-shaping decision by esteeming Christ's riches above Egypt's.

Take up the Cross. Deny the sinful demands of the flesh. Decide today to follow God (seek Him and His will), and you will be blessed with a joyfulness you have never known.

"The Cross was a pulpit in which Christ preached His love to the world." -


"Jesus is ever at home where love is reigning. When love lives in his people’s hearts, Jesus lives there too." - Charles Spurgeon

Tribulations always drive the man of faith back to Christ Himself. -

Martyn Lloyd-Jones

It is the great mistake and folly of men that they make more haste to get their afflictions removed than sanctified. —Thomas Case

"Ministers are but the pole; it is to the brazen serpent you are to look." -

Robert Murray M'Cheyne.

Ten minutes praying is better than a year's murmuring.

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