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Writer's picture: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

"Salvation is from God's wrath, by God's grace, through God's Son, for God's glory." -

Steven Lawson.

to pray for pardon, yet continue to rebel, — to pray for forgiveness, yet still, go on to provoke him, — such a prayer as that must be a stench in the nostrils of the Most High." -

Charles Spurgeon

"No Christ in your sermon, sir? Then go home, and never preach again until you have something worth preaching." — Charles Spurgeon

None will handle poor souls as gently as those who remember the pain of their own experience. —William Gurnall

We have nothing but what is freely given to us from above: if we love God, it is because God first loves us. - George Whitefield

No man is at home in this world. Whether he chooses heaven or not, here he is but a transient person. Consider that God tells us that he shall look upon what is done in charity to our neighbor that is in want as done unto Him, and what is denied unto them as denied unto Him

Johnathan Edwards

"Do you ask to be saved from everything that makes you, unlike your God? Then he will hear such prayers as those" - Charles Spurgeon

“Where is thy God now?” Answer: In heaven, on earth, in me, everywhere but in the heart of such as ask such questions. —Richard Sibbes, Works 1:136

"As far as God is concerned, your sin has ceased to be." —

Charles Spurgeon

"If we would see the seed that we sow bring an abundant harvest, we must water it with our tears." -R.A.Torrey.

A true wife is her husband's better half and his heart's treasure. In her company, he finds his earthly heaven.

Charles Spurgeon

Consider that God tells us that he shall look upon what is done in charity to our neighbor that is in want as done unto Him, and what is denied unto them as denied unto Him

Johnathan Edwards

"He [God] will hear your supplications if you repent of and forsake your sins; but if you come before him arm in arm with your sinful lusts, he will drive you from his presence." -

Charles Spurgeon

"Preach Christ, and Christ, and Christ, and Christ, and nothing else but Christ." -

Charles Spurgeon.

While others are congratulating themselves, I lie humbly at the foot of Christ's cross and marvel that I am saved at all.

Charles Spurgeon.

"He who has loved you and pardoned you shall never cease to love and pardon." —

Charles Spurgeon

"To be a great preacher a man must be nothing else." -

James W. Alexander.

"Jesus meets us just where we are, we give our prayers into his hand, and he perfumes them and cleanses us with his own most precious blood, and then he presents both ourselves and our prayers before his Father’s face." - Charles Spurgeon

We were meant for the glory of God, and we were meant to reflect the glory of God. -

Martyn Lloyd-Jones

What is our problem? We are sinners. What is our need? We need to be forgiven of our sins. Who can forgive sin? Only Jesus Christ.

The soul that feeds on tainted truth cannot grow fat and healthy. —

William Gurnall

"If my compass always points to the North, I know how to use it. If my Bible is always right, it will lead me right, and so I shall follow it." —

Charles Spurgeon

In grief, we can still praise. In fact, worshipping God in the lowest of lows and clinging to Him through it, is a sweet perfume to Him and saving grace for us! Whatever you’re going through today, stop and turn your face toward the One who is with you!

The disciples gave up everything that the world had to offer and found Jesus.

We can never make too much of Christ. He is worthy of all honor that we can give Him.

~J.C. Ryle~

If you are still unconverted, thank God that you are still not in hell. ~Andrew Murray~

True faith rests upon the character of God and asks no further proof than the moral perfections of the One who cannot lie. ~A.W. Tozer~

His rescue is sure. It may not come the way we expect it nor in the timing we anticipate, but help is on the way!

Conversion is a turning onto the right road. The next thing to do is walk on it.

~C.H. Spurgeon~

Jesus Christ does not save the worthy, but the unworthy.

Your plea must not be righteous but guilty.

~Charles Spurgeon~

So many people believe when you die that is it. In the Catholic church, it is taught a person can have a second chance in purgatory––not so. There is no such place. There is no use in praying for the dead. It is not a doctrine found in the Bible. Let me say this: “Once you die, that is it!” You either go to heaven or hell.

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