Have you given up something or someone to follow Jesus? God will more than make it up to you. God always gives His very best to those who leave the choice with Him.
By Christ's purchasing redemption, two things are intended: his satisfaction and his merit; the one pays our debt, and so satisfies; the other procures our title, and so merits. The satisfaction of Christ is to free us from misery; the merit of Christ is to purchase happiness for us.
~Jonathan Edwards~
Unhealthy people typically don’t manage their emotions and expectations (self-regulate) very well and can easily get offended when their lack of responsibility doesn’t become your emergency. Their thought process is often that their need trumps your limitations. And the telltale sign of their unhealthiness is their unwillingness to accept no as an answer without trying to make you feel terrible, punished, or unsure about the necessity of the boundary.
People not liking our boundaries doesn’t mean that we’re not living right before God. We mustn’t let unhealthy people control us or have too much access to our hearts so that their negative opinion shakes us. God is the only opinion that matters!
“Follow me” means “Walk the same road with me.”
If you are still unconverted, thank God that you are still not in hell.
~Andrew Murray~
"The shadows are lengthening, the day is drawing to a close. Up! brethren, up! If you are to bring jewels to Jesus, if you are to crown his head with many crowns, up, I pray you, and labor for him while you can." - Charles Spurgeon
"Character is what a man is; reputation is what other people think he is." -
Oswald Chambers.
Without the heart it’s not worship, it’s a stage play.
Stephen Charnock
“Moses’ face did shine, and others saw it, but he perceived it not. So many a precious soul is rich in grace, and others see it, and know it, and bless God for it, and yet the poor soul [may] perceive it not.” —Thomas Brooks, Works 3:130
We must be willing that Christ should be our portion. Christ doesn't offer his benefits separate from his person.
~Jonathan Edwards~
When you go through a trial, the sovereignty of God is the pillow upon which you lay your head.
Charles Spurgeon
"If it is only a common case of the fever of sin, yet it will be deadly in the end unless a balm is found, therefore tell Jesus of it at once. Do not wait till your son becomes a prodigal, pray at once! Do not delay till your child is at death's door, pray now!" -
C. H. Spurgeon
I have been greatly distressed of the soul because I did not suitably come to the fountain that purges away all sin. I have labored too much for spiritual life, peace of conscience, and progressive holiness, in my own strength. —
Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers
The *whole* may give the physician a good word, but the *sick* alone know how to prize him. - John Newton
"To tailor doctrine to fit experience is dangerous." -Tony Lane.
"It is a great mistake to think you may not carry to your Redeemer the ordinary trials of the day; tell him, yea, tell him all." - Charles Spurgeon
"If I never spoke of hell, I would look on myself as an accomplice of the devil." -
J.C. Ryle.
Unclean thoughts will not stay where the love of Christ reigns supreme. —
William Gurnall, The Christian in Complete Armour, 1:197
“I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.”
Faramir to Frodo in ‘The Two Towers' by J.R.R. Tolkien
"Do not let Satan get an advantage over you by persuading you to keep back commonplace troubles or sins from your loving Lord." - Charles Spurgeon