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Writer's picture: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

The enemy of our souls would love to devour our lives. "Your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8). We can enjoy protection from the devil through faith. "Resist him, steadfast in the faith" (1 Peter 5:9). When the enemy cannot devastate us by direct attack, he still desires to pull us down into defeat, using the pitfalls and temptations available to him through the entire world system. "The whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one" (1 John 5:19).

Remember, Satan is the accuser, but the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin.

In order to live by grace, we must be willing to walk by faith. For those who actually depend upon the Lord day by day (thereby accessing His grace), the Scriptures regularly proclaim the extensive consequences of walking by faith.

First, let's consider the significant characteristics of faith. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for." Faith is the assuring confirmation of the wonderful things that we anticipate God will do. As our faith grows in the promises and purposes of God, that faith brings us more substantiation of the certainty of God's heavenly plans. Also, faith is "the evidence of things not seen." Faith brings us verification of realities the human senses cannot observe. Faith convinces us of the absolute existence of God and His angels, Adam and Eve, the devil and demons, heaven and hell, and the prophets and apostles of old.

Paul emphasizes Jesus is the answer to every problem encountered by the Corinthian Church. And it's the same for us today. He alone is the solution. Do you have problems? I know I do. What's your solution? Do you follow the latest management guru's advice or do you seek Jesus?

The Lord desires that people become true spiritual worshipers of Him. "The hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him" (John 4:23). This can only become a reality through faith in the Lord. One helpful example of this is Abel's acceptable worship sacrifice, by faith.

Cain and Abel were two sons of Adam and Eve. The time came when they both offered sacrifices unto the Lord. "And in the process of time, it came to pass that Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to the LORD. Abel also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat" (Genesis 4:3-4a). The sacrifice of Cain was rejected by God, whereas Abel's sacrifice was accepted. "And the LORD respected Abel and his offering, but He did not respect Cain and his offering" (Genesis 4:4b-5a). Our primary verse tells us why Abel's gift of worship was acceptable to the Lord. "By faith, Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain." Abel's sacrifice was given by faith. It came from a heart that believed in the Lord and trusted in His righteous ways. "The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD…but He loves him who follows righteousness" (Proverbs 15:8-9).

It is the will of God that we learn to walk in a manner pleasing to the Lord: "that you may have a walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him" (Colossians 1:10). Again, such godly living can only be developed by faith. Much helpful insight into such a life is provided in Enoch's pleasing walk with God, by faith.

Before Enoch was taken to heaven, he walked with God in a manner that pleased the Lord. Enoch's faith in God is what was pleasing unto Him. "Before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God. But without faith, it is impossible to please Him." Pleasing God, as Enoch did, should be our desire.

Every one of our decisions, whether in marriage, parenting, or in the church body, is to be viewed through the mind of Christ.

A sure sign of spiritual decline is when we find ourselves wanting to get away from godly people. If you are really walking with the Lord, you will want to be around godly people. And if you don’t want to be around godly people, it indicates that something is wrong in your life.

People are desperate for compassion. Ask the Lord to open your spiritual eyes to see others’ needs

There is so much uncertainty these days. But, what is not uncertain is that God is for you. He is with you. He has good plans for your life. He will make a way.

How important it is for us to realize that compromise reaches no one. If we’re lowering our standards to extend our reach, then we’re defeating our purpose.

None of us can carry all of the burdens before us. Some are just far too heavy. We need to remember that Jesus wants to carry our sorrows and difficulties with us and also we need to pray for those we love who are carrying far too much.

Jesus did in his sufferings perform what may be forcibly and fitly described as the payment of a ransom, the giving to justice a quid pro quo for what was due on our behalf for our sins.

~C. H. Spurgeon~

God’s Beloved Son was crucified so that we can be set apart from this sinful world to enjoy the privilege of being His adopted sons and daughters: “I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty” (2 Corinthians 6:18).

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