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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


"Half our fears arise from neglect of the Bible."

— Charles Spurgeon

"Conscience is like a bee, use it well, and it will give honey. Use it ill, and it will put forth a sting." -Thomas Watson.

What are all the stained glories, the fading beauties of this world? of all that the devil showed our Saviour from the mount? what are they in comparison to one view of the glory of God represented in Christ, and of the glory of Christ as his great representative? -

John Owen

We have suffered bereavement after bereavement, but we are going to the land of the immortal where graves do not exist.

— Charles Spurgeon

There is no limit to God. Our God is: Infinite in thoughts (Ps 40:5). Infinite in righteousness (Ps 71:15). Infinite in grace (Ps 84:11). Infinite in faithfulness (Ps 89:2). Infinite in forgiveness (Ps 103:12). Infinite in understanding (Ps 147:5).

"It is a very natural thing that man should fear death, for man was not originally created to die." — Charles Spurgeon

The happiness of the reasonable creature doesn't consist in idleness but rather in action.

He who has learned to pray— has learned the greatest secret to a Holy and happy life. — William Law

"Let us make everything a matter of prayer...There is nothing too little to pray about...Even in the most trifling matters, I give myself to prayer." -

George Muller.

"You are often sinning, but he is always forgiving you." —

Charles Spurgeon

The Holy Spirit: Does not add to Scripture. Does not subtract from Scripture. Does not contradict Scripture. The Spirit speaks THROUGH Scripture.

The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end.

— Charles Spurgeon

Twice or thrice a day, look to see if your heart is not disquieted about something; and if you find that it is, take care forthwith to restore it to calm.

— Francis De Sales

"When you kill time, remember that it has no resurrection." -


"Long ago I ceased to count heads. Truth is usually in the minority in this evil world." —

Charles Spurgeon

‘Be of good comfort, Master Ridley, and play the man; we shall this day light such a candle by God’s grace in England as shall never be put out -

Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley were burned at the stake on 16 October 1555

"Jesus has renounced status for service. He has left glory for Golgotha." -

Ian Hamilton.

"The breath in our nostrils is God's gift moment by moment." —

Charles Spurgeon

All of us who now are free in Christ Jesus were slaves of the devil.

Charles Spurgeon

"Those who seek to be justified by the Law are taking the mirror off the wall and trying to wash with it." -Ray Comfort.

"It is an insult to the Savior to dream that our works can save us." —

Charles Spurgeon

To know something of the love of God one must have some understanding of what has happened in and to the Son of God, 'the beloved'. It is in Him that we measure the love of God truly. - Martyn Lloyd-Jones

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