Joy is a delight at God's grace, which enables us to endure our trials.
~George Seevers~
“Truth is a kingdom which belongs to those who give themselves to it, lead where it may, cost what it will, use or not use,”
wrote Pastor Ralph Sockman.
Seeing life through God’s eyes might mean an exile in the wilderness. It may mean willingly being severed from the outward luxury of this world. But the reward is to enter His transcendent presence, to be consumed by His love, to be made alive by His passion for you—and to realize that He sees you as someone with a grand purpose in life.
We need divine intervention. We need the Lord to hear our prayers and help us. What we need is another Jesus Movement, another spiritual awakening.
Today, the Church marches on. Persecution didn’t weaken it but strengthened it. Ultimately, persecution caused the Church to spread out to other parts of the world, proclaiming the gospel.
In the first century, all believers understood that they were called to do their part. So they left their comfort zones and took risks. In the same way, believers today need to go out and let their light shine in our present culture. We need believers who will turn the present world upside down.
Your pain has a purpose. It has meaning. It’s not just random and it isn’t unknown to God, nor unseen by Him. God loves His children more than we could possibly comprehend. In the darkness of pain, look for the silver linings and thank the Lord!
Oh, this is so hard! When the Lord does or allows something that breaks our hearts, it’s a spiritual wrestling match to still declare, “God is good all the time!”. Yet, trusting Him and His goodness is imperative for the believer. Let’s struggle and yet believe!
Everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world.
God will always always always give us a way out of trouble. God is faithful and in Him, we are already victorious! Repeat it to yourself as often as needed!
O God, the King of righteousness, lead us in the ways of justice and peace, inspire us to break down all tyranny and oppression, to gain for every person what is due to them. May each live for all and all care for each.
~William Temple (1881–1944)
Living by waiting on the Lord offers a helpful perspective on living by grace. Waiting on the Lord is the same spiritual reality as hoping in the Lord.
"Division is better than agreement in evil." -George Hutcheson.
There is not a word in the Bible that is *extra crucem*, which can be understood without reference to the cross. - Martin Luther
The first edition of his German New Testament was published on 21 September 1522. 500 years today.
"Your business is not to try to make yourselves fit to come to Christ, but to come to him just as you are." — Charles Spurgeon
“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life, and his faith proves that he was chosen of God to that life.” - Charles Spurgeon
The devil does not delight in bringing men off from their sins, from their vices, and rendering a people as happy people. He loves to make them wicked and miserable.
Jonathan Edwards
"The kingdom of God advances by the power of the Spirit through the ministry of the Word." -D.A.Carson.
The power of Scripture:
1. It reveals God’s will.
2. It penetrates the heart.
3. It reproves the sinner.
4. It divides truth from error.
5. It makes the world foolish.
6. It equips for every good work.
7. It proclaims salvation in Christ.
Why would we preach anything else?
“Everybody knows what it is for the mind to trust in a doctrine, but you will perish if you trust only to doctrine.” - Charles Spurgeon
It is not our hold of Christ that saves us; it is Christ.- Charles Spurgeon