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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


He that judges me is the Lord. He knows that I have spoken of his miracle, only for the same end for which he at first performed it, that is, 'to show forth his glory,' that you also may be brought to believe on him. - George Whitefield

If our sins are as high as the mountains, the ocean of His atonement is like Noah's flood, covering the utmost summit.

Charles Spurgeon

The eyes of the world are upon us. They don't read the Bible, but they read you and me, and we talk more by our walk than in any other way.

Ignorance of the Bible is the root of all errors. Knowledge of the Bible is the best antidote against modern heresies. -

JC Ryle

“Sing, O heavens, and be joyful O earth, for redemption is Jehovah's work.” -

Charles Spurgeon

The life of faith is, to be continually waiting on him, receiving from him, rendering to him, resting in him, and acting for him. - John Newton

Six vital certainties:

1. Life is short and uncertain.

2. Death is sure.

3. Judgment is inevitable.

4. Sin is exceeding sinful.

5. Hell is a dreadful reality.

6. Christ alone can save you. -

JC Ryle

Providence cannot have placed us in a wrong position; it must be right for us to be just where we are. — Charles Spurgeon

“Ye who dwell in the midst of sin as in a tangled forest, ye who have transgressed against God and plunged into the deep places of vice, be glad, for ye may be restored.“ -

Charles Spurgeon

“Readers are advised to remember that the devil is a liar.” -

C.S. Lewis

There is a spiritual instinct in most true believers, which generally enables them to distinguish between true and false teaching. When they hear unsound instruction, there is something within them that says, ‘This is wrong.’ -

JC Ryle

“Wherever saints are they ought to praise God for redeeming love, whether they climb the Alps or descend into the plains; whether they dwell in the cities or walk in the quietude of the woods.”

- Charles Spurgeon

"Time is the dressing room of eternity. In the few fleeting days of life on this planet, we are given the opportunity to prepare for eternity." Billy Graham

At the conclusion of a million years in hell, the unbeliever will be no closer to the end of their torment than when they first arrived. Can you bear to think on this reality & sit idly by while those around you die apart from Christ? "Stamp eternity on my eyeballs." ~Edwards

Whatever blessings we receive are set before us right in front of those insidious enemies! It’s God’s way of defying them, of saying to them, no matter what you do, you are not welcome at this feast of life.

Ray Bentley

“Never base your forgiveness on whether you "feel forgiven," but on the concrete promise of God that if we confess our sin, He will indeed forgive.” —

Dustin Benge

"When we trust God with our lives and put our faith and trust in Him, He brings the balance. He enables us to look to Him, 'the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2)."

"The Bible is our primary, final, and infallible authority. By its very nature, it is utterly reliable, and the touchstone for all other truth."

Steffen Jenkins,

The more parental teaching the better; ministers and Sabbath-school teachers were never meant to be substitutes for mothers' tears and fathers' prayers. -

C. H. Spurgeon

In James 1, it is not the "lack" of a trial (which we naturally want, a pain-free life) that makes us mature in Christ. In James 1, it is the presence of a trial that makes us "lacking" in nothing--we need the hardship in order to change.

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