1. A praying Christian is a useful Christian in the world. —Jeremiah Burroughs
2. “[Christ] didn’t come to treat symptoms. He came to get at the very heart of man’s disease.” Billy Graham
3. If our evangelism doesn’t include the horror of our sin, it can’t include the glory of our Savior.
4. To wield the sword of the Spirit successfully, we must read it habitually, diligently, intelligently, and prayerfully. -
JC Ryle
5. A little sin, like a little pebble in the shoe, will make a traveler to heaven walk very wearily.
6. I preach not salvation by works in any sense or degree, or shape, or form, but salvation by grace alone... Charles Spurgeon
7. There is quiet rest and full refreshment in Christ for sinners that are weary and heavy laden with sin. Jonathan Edwards
8. "We are to act before the Lord as those who know that sin is in them." - Charles Spurgeon
9. If we bring not forth the fruits of true saving faith, we may be sure that such faith is not in our possession. Charles Spurgeon
10. "Confession of sin is best carried out when we deal with God as those who have offended him, not as those who feel that they are innocent." - Charles Spurgeon
11. How empty and short-lived are the glories and the pride of this world! If we are wise, we will live for God and eternity; we will get outside of ourselves and will care nothing for the honor and glory of this world. D.L. Moody
12. The only character flaws that can really destroy us are the ones we don't admit. Timothy Keller
13. “Free will, though it makes evil possible, is also the only thing that makes possible any love or goodness or joy worth having.” - C.S. Lewis
14. Indwelling sin always abides whilst we are in this world; therefore it is always to be mortified. John Owen
15. If you believe the premise that people are basically good, then you have more faith than I do. The fact is, people are basically bad. And the devil works through the fallen nature of people, getting them to do evil. That’s why we need Jesus.
16. “Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither.” - C.S. Lewis
17. God sees things we can’t see. He knows things we don’t know. Only God knows what the good plan is and what it will take to get us there.
18. "And how ought such [Christians] to behave? They will walk with God very humbly, and watchfully, jealous lest inbred corruption should get the mastery of them." - Charles Spurgeon
19. Happy indeed is that church whose members not only desire to reach heaven themselves but desire also to take others with them. -JC Ryle
20. Christianity is the only religion that claims God, in Jesus Christ, gave up his freedom so we can experience the ultimate freedom: from evil and death itself.
21. "Beauty will often win affection against a man's better judgment, but Christ's love to us was not won by any beauty that he saw in us." — Charles Spurgeon
"To come to the communion table, and remember there the atoning sacrifice, is a confession of sin; for we should need no remembrance of our blessed Substitute if we were not sinners." - Charles Spurgeon
That man or a woman, whatever his or her name be in the world, or the church of Christ, that never found any need for, or use of, or benefit by the throne of grace, is surely a dead sinner. —Puritan Robert Traill,
Men’s merit makes hell, and Christ’s merit makes heaven. —Robert Traill,
The more real grace men have in their hearts, the deeper is their sense of sin...the dead soul feels and sees nothing; with life comes clear vision, a tender conscience, and spiritual sensibility. - JC Ryle