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One Body

Writer's picture: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

As the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body.

1 Corinthians 12:12

What if the price for bringing hope to the world is a bit of your own happiness? How much would you be willing to offer? Specifically think about the person or a group of people currently getting on your last nerve. Deeply rooted in modern culture is the notion that you must get rid of irritation and irritating people to live your best life and create happiness.

Certainly, abuse is not acceptable. However, no person is perfect, and everyone will eventually annoy you, even faithful brothers and sisters in Christ. If you set out to avoid and disregard all the people that do not please you, the only result is loneliness or, worse yet, possibly missing the entire reason you are on Earth! Be cautious not to assign value to God’s family based on how they please you. Consider that you may not understand God’s role for everyone you know.

Holy and righteous, Jesus not only shared the Father’s love for sin-stained people, but He also poured Himself out providing salvation for the benefit of all. Christ will accept all that accept Him. And He expects you to accept the imperfect and broken, too.

Follower of Christ, your main goal is not happiness, it is to glorify God and function within His body of believers carrying His message of hope to anyone who will listen.

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