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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

O You of Little Faith

Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

Matthew 14:31

Have you ever seen a child react to receiving a large treat, like a giant candy bar or ice cream cone? Most of the time, the large treat makes anything smaller pale in comparison. In some ways, the perspective of some believers to the amount of faith other Christians have is similar. The big acts of faith are impressive and awe-inspiring, while little faith is viewed as inferior.

Often, the story of Peter walking on the water to meet Jesus is used as an example of what happens when a person’s faith gets too small. Peter climbs out of the boat, starts walking on water, only to become afraid of the wind and waves and start sinking. In today’s verse, Jesus says to Peter, “You of little faith.” While it is true that there are weaknesses to a small amount of faith, Peter’s story also shows that there is also still strength to be found in a small amount of faith. Little faith can still lead one to obey Jesus and pray when in trouble. It is still true faith. Having a small faith is not something to be ashamed of. Sometimes all people can do is start with the small amount of faith they have and let God take care of the rest.

Where is your faith level? Ask God to show you the areas where your faith is strong and where it needs to grow. Pray with confidence today knowing that regardless of the size of your faith God can use it.

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