Sometimes just like Peter, we're tired of working all night with no results at the end. Even though Peter knows everything there is to know about fishing, he is only successful when he relies on Jesus' guidance. Keep seeking Him, keep trusting, and keep looking up!
What God did was amazing!
After Jesus was resurrected, He appeared to his disciples a number of times. In this opportunity, Peter and another six disciples were fishing in Galilee. They spent all night without catching anything. We don't know if they went fishing to earn money, catch some food, or escape from their worries - it doesn't say. They went back to what they knew, what made them feel secure, what they were used to - but in the end, they became emptier and more unsuccessful than when they started.
It was only when Jesus appeared to them on the shore, that things changed for them. Jesus told them to "cast the net on the right side of the boat” and a miracle happened — "they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish" - they caught 153 fish, big enough to put a strain on the fishermen and the nets — miraculously — the nets were not torn.
After Jesus' resurrection, they were not the same people — they couldn't possibly rely on their own abilities anymore, they had been rewired to be guided by Jesus. For them, those 153 fishes were 153 more reasons to believe and trust in Jesus — their resurrected Savior!
We can't go back to our old ways - to what we "knew" or feel "secure", without placing our hope, faith, and trust in Jesus.
We have been re-wired at the cross. We are not the same, we are a new creation - and all things have become new! All we can do from now on is to put our trust in Him in everything we do — even in "those things" that we are experts on! There is no victory in us, only through Him - Our resurrected Savior!
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." 2 Cor 5:17
Eyes on Jesus even in the small thing!!
Keep looking up!!
He's coming!