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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

Near to the Heart of God

We give thanks to you, O God; we give thanks for your name is near.

Psalm 75:1

Early in the last century, Cleland Boyd McAfee was grieving the loss of two of his young nieces to diphtheria. In his grief, the young minister and writer wrote the gospel hymn “Near to the Heart of God.” Its lyrics acknowledge the two-direction nearness to God: Him to the believer, and the believer to Him. Today’s verse says that even God’s name is near.

God has many names in Scripture, each one of which holds a different facet of His nature, of who He is. Which of His many names is the name you need today? Almighty, Lord, Provider, Healer, Sanctifier, Peace, Shepherd, Strength? Whatever it is you need today, He is there for you with the name you need to know.

Despite the challenges, turbulence, suffering, and changes of the past year, it is still appropriate to be thankful that God, by whichever of His names you need Him today, is near. You can lift your voice in worship and praise Him with thanksgiving because He is in control of whatever chaos surrounds you. He offers mercy and strength to endure. “There is a place of quiet rest, near to the heart of God; a place where sin cannot molest, near to the heart of God.”

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