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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

My Hope My Trust

For you, O Lord, are my hope, my trust, O Lord, from my youth.

Psalm 71:5

Some people are blessed, like the Psalmist of today’s verse, to have known the Lord from their childhood. Many were into their adult years or even in the latter stages of life when they came to faith in Christ. Whenever you came to the Lord, you met Him as the One you hope in and the One you can trust.

A common use of the word hope is “wishful thinking.” For example, “I hope the weather will be nice today“ or “I hope a check comes in the mail.“ But hope in Christ is like a rock. Solid. Steadfast. Unchanging. What the Lord says is true. Even though there are different understandings and interpretations of the Bible, you can be assured that Jesus is the truth. You now have a relationship with Him. You ask for wisdom and He gives it to you. His Spirit will enlighten the Scriptures to you when there seems to be a discrepancy in what various traditions believe the Bible says.

Meditate on what the Lord says about prayer. Pray wholeheartedly and believe Him for the answers. Pray for the people in your circle of influence and the ones who influence you in leadership positions. Ask that the revelation of the gospel of Christ would reach every soul. Pray for hearts to be steadfast, putting hope and trust in the Lord. Pray for the children, particularly that they would hear and embrace the gospel. Ask that government and schools of the United States comprehend the “Establishment Clause” and how it relates to freedom of speech and religion.

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