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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

Mouth And Heart be Acceptable

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. – Psalm 19:14

Even Cain was given the opportunity to change and please the Lord (Genesis 4:3-7). When he brought his offering, the Lord did not regard it as acceptable. When Cain became upset, the Lord asked, “Why are you angry… if you do well, will you not be accepted?” It was Cain’s responsibility to do what God desired.

It is the believer’s responsibility to learn who God is and what He expects. Psalm 19 is a wonderful psalm that reveals God in a variety of ways. The first six verses speak of creation: “The heavens declare the glory of God” without a word spoken (v.1). The rising of the sun speaks to God’s wisdom in creation, His power, and His care for humankind.

The next verses talk of the commandments of God. Not only do they give guidance to the believer, but the psalmist gives insight into the character of God, as well as the benefits of following His statutes. God’s law is perfect, sure, right, pure, and true because He is. To follow His statutes is to enjoy a life that is sweeter than honey; “in keeping them there is great reward” (vv.10-11).

Just as the sun brings illumination to the day, God’s law reveals your shortcomings, revealing sins hidden in the depths of your soul. Ask the Lord for His grace to make the changes that will please Him and follow the lead of the psalmist, who knew he had a Redeemer: “Let the words of [your] mouth and the meditation of [your] heart be acceptable” to Him (v.14).

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