Jesus allows Martha and Mary to go through the pain of grieving the death of their brother to perform a miracle that would lead many to God and bring glory to Him! Through all this, His spirit groaned, He was troubled, and He wept. He knows and FEELS our pain while we wait for His appearance!

This wait will be to lead many to Jesus and it will be for God's glory!
Keep looking up!
🩹When Lazarus became sick, Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus, hoping that He would come immediately to heal their brother. However, Jesus had another plan, and He waited two days before going to see Lazarus.
👉🏼We know the story. Jesus comes back, and Lazarus has been dead for four days. Mary and Martha are in pain, grieving the death of their brother, both telling Jesus, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.” Jesus had a purpose for this. He knew their hurt, their despair, their sadness, the distress, and the anguish they were going through. Even though He knew that He was going to resurrect Lazarus, the Bible tells us that His spirit groaned, His spirit was troubled, He wept, and His spirit groaned again! He was in deep sorrow — He had an empathetic connection to their pain, frustration, and suffering!
📖"...when Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who came with her weeping, He groaned in the spirit and was troubled." John 11:33
📖They said to Him, “Lord, come and see.” ... Jesus wept. John 11:53
📖Then Jesus, again groaning in Himself, came to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone lay against it. John 11: 39
👉🏼After He resurrected Lazarus, many of the Jews who were with them believed in Him!
His plans are always better and greater than ours.
His thoughts are not our thoughts, and His ways are higher than our ways!
Jesus knows our sorrow and pain while waiting for His appearance. He understands the despair we're going through, the battles we're fighting in our lives. He weeps and cries with us as He intercedes to the Father for us.
Even though He knows His perfect plan for us: to come and take us home, where all the pain and suffering we are experiencing right now will be nothing compared to the glory that is to be revealed to us! But in the meantime, He truly understands and feels the pain we feel while we wait to see His plans unfold!