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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

Let’s Be Sure To Thank God For Our Blessings.

In this season of the year when we are encouraged to be thankful, let’s be sure to thank God for our blessings.

We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayers, constantly.

In this season of the year when we are encouraged to be thankful, let’s be sure to thank God for our blessings. But thanks are often best when it’s shared. Let others know that for which you are grateful, especially when you’re thankful for them.

Thanksgiving, both the holiday and the activity, should be directed to God.

Though it would be fine to thank people as well, the main point of Thanksgiving is offering gratitude to God. Yet, it’s a wonderful thing when we share our God-directed gratitude with those for whom we are thankful.

That’s something the Apostle Paul did in almost all of his letters. To the Thessalonians, for example, he wrote, “We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayers, constantly” (1 Thessalonians 1:2). By doing this Paul not only modeled thankful prayer but also encouraged the recipients of his letter. It’s a nice thing to know when someone is thankful for you.

As we draw near to Thanksgiving Day, let me encourage you to give thanks to God. But why not also let others know of your gratitude? You might tell them you’re thankful for them and why. Or you might find ways to share all sorts of thanks together. Set aside sometime on Thanksgiving Day for shared gratitude.

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