Out of them shall come songs of thanksgiving, and the voices of those who celebrate.
– Jeremiah 30:19
In Jeremiah 30:6, a passage preceding today’s verse, God, through the prophet Jeremiah, asks the Israelites an interesting question: “Can a man bear a child?
Why then do I see every man with his hands on his stomach like a woman in labor?
Why has every face turned pale?”
The prophet goes on to foretell good news for the Israelites. Though they, as a nation, had been under punishment, God declared restoration and prosperity. He prophesied that His people would be singing songs of thanksgiving and shouting in celebration.
In the United States, there are many temptations to be fearful and tremble when you consider serious issues such as COVID, threats against freedom of religion and speech, and the ensuing problems that come with the border crisis.
However, God has not only promised to take care of His children during good times but when times are difficult as well.
Jesus told the people of His day not to worry about food or clothing; the Lord would provide. He showed this in a great practical example by feeding crowds of thousands with a few loaves of bread and fish.
While circumstances may cause groaning as you experience the “labor pains” of difficulty, continue to rejoice in the promises that God has given His people in Christ. And be thankful!