For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. – Isaiah 55:8
Calling someone a “know-it-all” today is definitely not a complimentary remark. However, in centuries past it was possible to have somewhat of a grasp on almost every topic. For example, Athanasius Kircher, a German Jesuit living in the seventeenth century, pioneered thought in comparative religion, geology, biology, medicine, mathematics, and Egyptology. He came very close to knowing everything he could in his day. He is most notably remembered for inventing the megaphone!
Knowing God in His fullness is impossible. Ask the question “who is God?” at your next dinner party and observe how quickly human language breaks down. Most people resort to describing the transcendent Creator and Author of reality by personality.
According to the Bible, God is a complex being, self-existent, without origin, never changing, all-powerful, all-knowing, always everywhere, always perfect, always faithful, forever kind, and slow to anger. AND He deemed it necessary to become human.
God in human form is equally complex. The man Jesus, always being God, was yet always completely human. He was equal with God, but also called Him Father, and submitted to His will. Jesus deepened understanding of God’s multifaceted nature by introducing the Holy Spirit to humanity before He left Earth.
Can you fully understand God? Of course not! But God completely understands you! In short, He merely asks you to believe… in His LOVE and in His SON. Ask Him today to open your understanding more in 2021 than ever before.