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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

Keep that level of faith that was present on the mountaintop

All things are possible for one who believes. – Mark 9:23

The Blythe family writes music and lyrics and then perform their songs in a family ministry. Brother and sister, Richard and Sandy Blythe, take the process of songwriting seriously, feeling that each song should be a “sermon with a melody.” One such song is titled “Jesus Walks the Troubled Waters.” The first stanza says, “When doubts and fears assail me and on life’s sea I’m tossed, when storm clouds are gathering low, when it seems all hope is ended and all my courage lost, Jesus walks the troubled waters of my soul.”

Peter, James, and John had spent time on a high mountain with Jesus when He was transfigured before them. They’d had a real mountaintop experience with the Lord! Shortly afterward, a man brought his son to Jesus for healing. The boy was mute and suffered seizures. The man said he’d asked the disciples to cast out the evil spirit from the boy, but they were not able. Jesus turned to the disciples and asked, “How long am I to be with you? How long am I to bear with you?” Whether directed toward the disciples or the boy’s father, perhaps both, He then said anything is possible for those who believe. Then Jesus healed the boy.

Mountaintop experiences are glorious. Reality sets in thereafter, and faith often falters. Jesus’ message is clear: Keep that level of faith that was present on the mountaintop and He will enable you to do great things. Let God’s truth and the presence of the Holy Spirit be your confidence so that fears and doubts give way to calm.

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