I will raise up for myself a faithful priest, who shall do according to what is in my heart and in my mind. – 1 Samuel 2:35
“In your heart of hearts.” What is meant when someone uses that quirky phrase? Shakespeare used the singular “heart of heart” to describe the core of his character’s being but, somehow, in modern times it has become plural! Either way, the phrase means whatever is at the very center of one’s affections and desires. How interesting that scripture has several references to the center of God’s heart.
The Bible is very clear on what is in God’s heart. It is you! He not only loves you, but you are His treasure and passion. More than anything He longs to have an intimate fellowship with you. In His love, He desires for you to share His purpose. The purpose in His heart is that every person would know of His invitation to companionship with Him.
If you are in a relationship with God and you are allowing Him to fill your heart, you will begin to reflect Him, as Jesus did. To be in a relationship with God is to be molded into the likeness of His Son. Though Jesus was mocked, rejected, and killed by the world, He was faithful to His Father. As you experience adversity, you can endure by His overcoming power and be found faithful to your Father.