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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

I The Lord Change Not

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Hebrews 13:8

Jesus Christ—the same, yesterday and today and forever! The same Jesus who was there at Earth’s creation — the same Jesus who walked the earth — the same Jesus who healed, disciples, and died for the sins of humankind and rose again — the same Jesus who promises to return and take His own to Heaven with Him — the same Jesus walks with each of His believers today in the form of the Holy Spirit that He promised would dwell with each one.

Close your eyes. Imagine Jesus beside you as He walked beside Cleopas and his companion on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). Tell Him about your troubles, cares, and concerns. And, like the conversation between those men, remember that Jesus knows more about your situation than you do.

The Lord knows what is going on in this country: the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the ugly. He knows your needs before you ask Him. Through Jesus you come boldly to the Father by the Holy Spirit to find help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16). He answers your prayers as He did when Abraham’s servant asked for a wife for Isaac and He led him to Rebekah (Genesis 24). He answers your prayers like He did when Solomon prayed for wisdom (1 Kings 3:3-14). He answers your prayers like He did when believers prayed for Peter and he was miraculously released from prison (Acts 12:1-19).

Enter His presence with confidence, knowing the same Jesus hears and responds to His people as they intercede for their families, for the citizens and officials of the United States, and for the spreading of His gospel throughout the world.

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