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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

His Word is True

Nothing will be impossible with God.

Luke 1:37

Many believers are familiar with the start of the Christmas story when an angel appears to Mary to tell her that she would become pregnant with God’s Son. The words that the angel spoke to her in Luke 1:37, in particular, are very popular – nothing will be impossible with God. As these words served as a comfort for Mary, who was about to embark on a great adventure with God, they also serve as a great comfort to believers today.

Most English translations of Luke 1:37 translate the verse as stated above, “nothing will be impossible with God.” A more literal translation of the Greek written here would say, “for no word from God shall be powerless.” Though slight in its differences, does this translation change the way you view this verse?

It can be easy to hear “nothing is impossible with God” and take that to mean that anything that you can dream of is possible if God wants it to happen. In reality, this verse is instead referring to the power of God’s promises. Whatever He says will undoubtedly happen. His Word is true and reliable, and there is great hope to be found in all the promises He has given.

In your quiet time with God today, listen again to the words of the angel to Mary, “no word from God shall be powerless.” Listen to hear what God may be speaking to your heart. Pray God’s promises over your life, and trust that He is working each day to fulfill them.

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