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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

His Face and Name

They will see his face and his name will be on their foreheads.

Revelation 22:4

The people of Israel had sinned against the Almighty God so much that He told Moses to take them and leave Sinai to go to the land He had promised Abraham. However, the Lord said He would not go with them. He would send an angel instead, to help them.

As he was used to doing, Moses went to the tent of meeting outside the camp to speak to the Lord. It was there that Moses implored God to stay with His people. After the Lord affirmed that His presence would be with them, Moses asked God to show him His glory. So in the cleft of the rock, Moses was witness to a portion of the glory of the Lord.

Dear Believer, what awaits you in Heaven is even more precious than the time Moses spent in the tent of meeting. It will be a glorious time in the presence of the Lord. You will not be hidden in a cleft of a rock, but you will have a full view of the shining face of God. “Night will be no more…

for the Lord God will be [your] light” (Revelation 22:4-5). God will claim His children. “His name will be on their foreheads” as evidence of His adoption of those whose belief in the Savior has brought them to this place. Imagine joy to the fullest, and wisdom as you walk in the light of the Lord.

Be filled with hope and comfort in anticipation of God's presence.

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