“He is the Rock, His work is perfect; For all His ways are justice, A God of truth and without injustice; Righteous and upright is He.” Deuteronomy 32:4
Look at the character of God, as Moses saw the heart of God. His ways are perfect and just, done in truth and righteousness. Is there anyone in your life you can say this about? Are there any leaders in this world who can be described this way? No way, only God is just and true. Only His works are perfect.
Why? It is the heart of who God was, is, and will always be. He is righteousness, so He cannot be unrighteous. He is truth, so He does not lie. He is love, so all He does is by His great love for you and me.
All these attributes of God are promises to you and me. We do not have to worry about God changing His mind. We do not have to wonder if God is having a bad day. On a good day or bad day, God will be true and just towards us; and because of His great love for us, He is merciful.
He does not give us the real judgment we deserve. Because of the perfect work done at the cross of Calvary, you and I have been given the righteousness of God. Christ took on our unrighteousness and gave us His righteousness. Wow! Think about it.
When everything in life seems to be falling around you, remember this verse and meditate on the promises of God. If we can keep our eyes on the Lord, in our trials, we will realize He has a plan, and He is merciful towards us. Then we will know we will never get a bad deal with God. That is the bottom line.