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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

Hearing The Word

In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.

Ephesians 1:13

For some people, the thought of talking to another person about their faith is a scary idea. What do you say? Today’s verse gives you the entire process of salvation. And Christmas is a great time to tell your story and how you came to hear the Word. You can tie the birth of Christ to the cross, explaining the reason that baby Jesus came into the world.

The apostle Paul had preached the Word of God to the Gentile Ephesians and explained that Christ had come to die for their sins; He was buried but rose again, providing the way for those who believe to partake in the joy of salvation (1 Corinthians 15:1-11). Once they believed, they were “sealed with the promised Holy Spirit” (Ephesians 1:13). Commentator Warren Wiersbe says this is significant because it emphasizes that their belief was a “finished transaction.”

Nothing more needed to be done because God, through Jesus, had paid the price for the believer. The Holy Spirit is God’s seal to show that He has purchased you to be His own. You are safe and secure in this faith. Your actions after believing will reveal the presence of the Spirit in your life.

God’s purpose then for sending Jesus to save sinners is that He might be glorified. At the announcement of Jesus’ birth to the shepherds, the angels praised God and said, “Glory to God in the highest” (Luke 2:13-14). They had seen God’s wisdom and power at Creation. Now they would see God’s love and grace flow through His Church, the believers. May you give God glory as you tell your story of faith in Jesus.

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