After the mandate of worshipping the beast is released, there'll be an angel proclaiming "the eternal gospel" to every nation and person. This is the gospel of judgment, not salvation. God will now discharge the pending judgment against the antichrist.
Pay attention! If you are in the tribulation, pay close attention and listen to this angel!! This is it!! The judgment of God is about to be released to every nation, tribe, tongue, and person on earth. Please understand that your only answer here is Jesus.
Accept God's message of salvation, Jesus died for your sins, was buried and resurrected on the third day to save you from this very moment. It's time to lay down before Jesus.
Trust that the Lord will guide you through all this and give you the strength and everything you need at this very moment.
Again, listen to the two witnesses, the 144,000, the angel's proclamations.
Listen! DO NOT TAKE THE MARK!! Remember this is your last chance to escape eternal separation from God.
Stand strong even if you're required to give your life for Him. Let go of your life and trust the Lord!