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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

God Leaves Nothing Undone

I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion on the day of Jesus Christ.

Philippians 1:6

It is not unusual for busy people to forget an important date simply because they didn’t write it down! Many might claim that forgetting is just part of life. However, some suggest that remembering is a spiritual discipline to be cultivated like the practice of morning devotions or daily prayer time.

Reading the Old Testament book of Exodus, it is hard to imagine the Hebrew people forgetting a sea of water parting at just the right place so they could walk across on dry land, or a pillar of fire to guide them at night that morphed into a pillar of cloud to lead them during the day. Who could possibly forget the day manna was found in the morning light, satisfying a nation’s gnawing hunger? But even those who experienced these miracles firsthand eventually forgot.

Remembering is not about cultivating nostalgia. It is about taking hold of the confidence that God fulfills His promises! For the follower of Christ, God’s story of redemption in your life is unfolding like a traveler’s journey across the wilderness. Your destination has already been determined and you will enter a glorious, promised land! You are getting there by going God’s way. When you forget the miraculous things God has done to bring you this far, you will struggle to trust Him for the things He is yet to do!

Start practicing remembering today. Tell someone what God has already done in your life. Pray for America as a nation to remember the blessings God has given in the past.

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