We can confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?’ – Hebrews 13:6
Fear is a healthy emotion that is real and necessary. It keeps people from doing stupid things that might cause bodily harm. It incites the wisdom to be cautious in certain situations. God placed this emotion within humans for self-preservation. However, in the fallen nature, fear can become unnecessary and overpowering. It may prevent people from doing what God calls them to do or being the people He wants them to be. Fear might even place more confidence in the devil’s schemes than God’s plans and purposes.
In today’s verse, the writer of Hebrews describes the confidence people have that the Lord is more powerful than their enemies. They recognize the Lord as Someone who is willing and able to help them. This 13th and final chapter of Hebrews describes the people who are living out their confidence in Christ. They love others, show hospitality to strangers, help those in prison and those who are abused, honor marriage, remain sexually pure, are not greedy but content with what they have, and who remember that God is with them (Hebrews 13:1-5).
As you place your trust in the Lord, conforming to His image and knowing that He is with you, go forth in confidence, overcoming the fear that can hinder people from serving Him.