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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

Getting Ready For The Antichrist!

The world is getting ready for the Antichrist! What's happening around the world easily tells us that lawlessness is on the rise, it'll not only continue, but it'll increase making the "man of lawlessness" be welcomed with open arms! But our Lord Jesus will come FIRST!!

The Antichrist is given the title of “man of lawlessness" because He opposes God and His law in every possible way. We can see that happening right now. Everything that is good has been compromised, everything that is Biblical is being rejected!

As he manufactures chaos and destruction behind the scenes and makes sure that "wars and rumors of wars - nation rising against nation, and kingdom against kingdom" (Matthew 24:7-8) comes to pass, He will come offering a solution - a false peace to the world!

With his charismatic personality, incredible promises, and breathtaking miracles, he will unite all nations politically, economically, and religiously under his leadership. Those who have rejected the true Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ - will fall for the Antichrist’s empty promise of peace! DO NOT BE ONE! The signs that Jesus told us to look for – are all here! Deception, wars, rumors of wars, nation rising against nation, kingdom against kingdom, earthquakes, pestilences...This is our exodus this is where Jesus comes and rescues us from the lawlessness of this world.

This is where God removes the restrainer - the Holy Spirit and His Church, to give the Antichrist free rein for 7 years.

After the Antichrist’s time is up, the Lord Jesus will return and overthrow him by “the breath of his mouth and destroy him by the splendor of his coming”.

Evil is being restrained right now - once the Church Age ends, when Jesus comes to take His bride, the hindrance to evil will be removed, and the world will see evil as they have never seen before - BUT its ultimate doom is sure. Look at what's happening right now here in the US and in Israel! Time is so short, we're living in the last seconds of the Church's age. The restrainer will soon be taken out of this world!

Come to Jesus!!!

Believe that Jesus - the TRUE Prince of Peace - died for your sins, was buried and resurrected on the third day just like the Bible tells us -to be taken away from this lawless world — with one purpose only — to give you eternal life !! Time is almost up! Come to Jesus!!

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