Ganoderma Lucidum today was the "shining leather" means. Due to this influence in Japan. Reishi mushroom has been used for thousands of years, the far medical. Far East countries consider the sacred mushroom of immortality, "phylum", "Elixir", and "magic mushrooms" referred to by their name. In nature, due to a multitude of very little, this is also called the ghost fungus are rewarded if they meet the Emperor, who uses their athlete's wizards is çarptırılıyorlardı sentenced to death.
Japan Ministry of Health and is recognized as the only natural medicine against cancer in the context of the bioactive component of the 400 reishi in (nükleotidler, tripertenler, alkaloids, polysaccharides, proteins, and lectin, germenyum, selenium as well as trace elements).
Reishinin has over 100 different types of polysaccharides.
Studies on the polysaccharides in the world and over 60 of these substances are known to have anti-tumor effects by strengthening the immune system.
Reishinin is the effect of a particular organ or tissue, but the entire body has a direct or indirect impact on the public. This is referred to as the adaptogen property. By stopping the development of the disease in the first place, treatment helps to speak as a "smart" reishi and davranmakta in the body of the organism, and then finding the disease does not exist.