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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

From Darkness to Light

You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!

James 2:19

An article by Inspiration Ministries declares that Satan’s time is short! The article claims, “The devil is more aware of God’s prophetic timetable than are most Christians.” The writer states that Satan knows the Bible “and he sees that the biblical signposts of the End Times are occurring at a rapid rate.”

Throughout Scripture, you read of times when the demons, even the devil himself, had to acknowledge first, that God is sovereign, and there is only one eternal and majestic God (Isaiah 43:10). They know that Jesus Christ is God’s “Holy One,” that He is deity, and to be feared (Luke 4:34), and they know that there is a day of judgment coming for them (Matthew 8:29). Satan did everything he could as recorded in the Bible to keep Jesus from coming to Earth, to keep Him from redeeming humankind. And now, knowing that his time on this planet is limited, he is “pulling out all the stops.” One preacher put it this way: “Having lost your soul to eternity, his objective now is to keep you from reproducing.”

There are people across America today who have the same kind of belief that the devil and his minions have. But acknowledging the existence and plan of God is far different from trusting in Christ alone for salvation.

When the apostle Paul appeared before King Agrippa, he said his purpose was to help people “open their eyes that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God” (Acts 26:18). Pray for eyes within your sphere of influence to see the light of Christ in you.

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