By Cathe Laurie

As Greg's wife, a mother, grandmother, teacher, homemaker, frustrated writer (!), and friend- none of these good things in my life can ever replace the best. God must have no rival loves...
How single, God, are You- how whole!
One Source are You, one Way, one Goal.
I tend to splinter all apart
With fractured mind, divided heart;
Oh, integrate my wandering maze
To one highway of love and praise.
O single, mastering a Life of peace
At Whose command the raging cease,
Keep calling to me, "Peace be still,"
To redirect my scattered will.
Keep gathering back my heart to You.
Keep centering all I am and do.
O focused Spot of holy ground,
Silence which is the Source of sound,
I drop the clutter from my soul,
Reorganized by Your control;
Then single, whole, before Your throne,
I give myself to You alone.