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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

Faith in God submission

The shields of the earth belong to God; he is highly exalted. – Psalm 47:9

Sometimes it is easy to forget that the earth, and everything in it, still belongs solely to God. This includes not only the physical things but also the spiritual things of the world, including God’s providence and angels.

From the time of Abraham in Genesis 12, God promised that those who put their faith in Him would inherit great blessings. The Bible is full of story after story of God fulfilling this promise, culminating in the account of Jesus’ work on the cross. This is the backbone of the Christian faith – that although humankind did not deserve it, God made a way for them to spend eternity with Him – blessed beyond understanding.

But faith in God also requires a level of submission to His authority, which can be challenging. Whether God calls you to leave your homeland like Abraham, to stay and plant roots like the exiled Israelites, or to preach the Gospel throughout the land like Paul, your first step will be to submit to His will and obey. And while the cost may seem great, Psalm 47 serves as one of many reminders in the Bible that the reward is greater.

Do you have anything in your life that you have forgotten that belongs to God? Take time today to talk with the Lord and ask Him to reveal to you any areas you may struggle to follow His calling. Pray that He would give you a humble spirit, ready to receive whatever He has for you.

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