ENCOURAGEMENT FOR PASTORS (BY SPURGEON) Public reading, exhortation, and teaching.
Phillip Raimo
Apr 16, 20241 min read
“Until I come, give your attention to public reading, exhortation, and teaching.” (1 Timothy 4:13)
Of course, this counsel and exhortation is intended primarily as a direction to Christian ministers, and especially to young Christian ministers. You must read much if they are to be profitable to others as a preacher. There used to be a very stupid conceit in some sections of the church, that if a minister read extensively, he would only give forth stale truth, or what some simpletons called, “dead men’s brains.” Men have now learned, however, that they will be most fresh and original in their thoughts and most diligently cultivate their minds by studying and pondering the thoughts of other minds. He who never quotes will never be quoted, and he who does not read is not very likely to be read.
Of course, the first thing the minister needs is to be taught by the Spirit, but then the question is—How does the Spirit teach? He teaches, no doubt, mainly through the Word and through our experimental acquaintance with that Word, but if he pleases to reveal the truth to another man, and I will not read that truth as it has been recorded by that other man, I have neglected the teaching of the Spirit of God.